Per Plant yeild this harvest?


Well-Known Member
hey i did an inside grow of 4 plants and got like 80 grams from all of em of course they where only in veg for about a month. but since i can no longer grow inside im thinking of growing a nice patch april but i have a question on how much you got on average yield per plant from this years harvest??? because i would like to know how many plants im going to need to start. i was thinking around 20 or case a few die or get found and planting them in different locations... ive heard you can get up to a lb per plant and ive heard an oz. i don't want to know what the maximum i can get is. but id like to know what your guys results where for the year


Well-Known Member
i had a really bad year here in toronto, i would have had at least a qp from my 9 foot ak48 plant but someone stole all the buds off of it!!!
But the weather wasnt that good so the buds werent fully ripe


Well-Known Member
hmm an ounce in Ireland thats pretty good. im expecting to grow some purple widow and maybe some lowryders i know the lowryder plants won't get as much being that they have no veg state. but id like to know from someone in bc on what there average yeild was this year. im pretty sure even some sativias are done by now.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Due to "Security Risk", I took out/ ripped out 30 Ladies... anyway, 10 was "Easy Sativas" from KC Brain, (they don't carry them anymore.) The Big Mamma had just started to flower, She was 8 1/2 ft. tall. She should have done at least 8 to 10 Lbs., dried. My goal is 12 lbs. per. Start with high yeild, KC Brains via The Attitude, 1,000 gram per plant yeild, then do some magic with certain Nutes, just to see. The Helo's looks for plants, not trees....


Well-Known Member
holy crap the factor with me is height since im going to be growing in a hidden area if they become 8 foot monsters someone might notice and steal them. i think im gonna try to keep my plants to 5 feet by topping them.. but ill just go with lower expectations and think of about 5 oz's per plant that way if i get more then ill be happy. the only problem i s see with this is wtf would i do with 5lbs of pot i mean in a year i wouldent smoke that much.. i guess im gonna have to figure out how to "distribute" my pay load ohh in about 2 weeks im gonna order some auto flowers and grow a few of em in my closet since the growing season isnt till April or so. ill use 120 watt cfls like i did with my AMS plants and i got a good 3 o'z from them. hopefully the auto flowers dont get to huge if they do ill have tie em down to fit


Well-Known Member
holy crap the factor with me is height since im going to be growing in a hidden area if they become 8 foot monsters someone might notice and steal them. i think im gonna try to keep my plants to 5 feet by topping them.. but ill just go with lower expectations and think of about 5 oz's per plant that way if i get more then ill be happy. the only problem i s see with this is wtf would i do with 5lbs of pot i mean in a year i wouldent smoke that much.. i guess im gonna have to figure out how to "distribute" my pay load ohh in about 2 weeks im gonna order some auto flowers and grow a few of em in my closet since the growing season isnt till April or so. ill use 120 watt cfls like i did with my AMS plants and i got a good 3 o'z from them. hopefully the auto flowers dont get to huge if they do ill have tie em down to fit
all you neead to do is prune the plant how you want it to can make almost any plant a bush...cut a branch and it stops growing...then again you can get 12 footers if you have the right genetics...tying them down is another can even stake the main stalk to the ground and you end up with many vertical shoots that become small plants and colas them selvs...but these need staking


Well-Known Member
I'm at the end of an outdoor Sativa grow in Florida and one girl is still flowering. The first of my two Sativas showed signs of being finished seemingly overnightat 9 weeks.

heres some pics at 8 weeks
HOLY CRAP!!!they is do live in a nice warm part of America though so you don't need to worry so much about frost... if i had monsters like that i think they would get stolen for sure. what did you use for nutes though?