Your diet is like your taste in music, its different for everyone. I think we can all agree though that the meat being produced in massive factories is just not as good of an option as meat you harvested wild, or bought local and organic. I think we can also agree that a human can live a 100% healthy life being vegan, the same as you can live a 100% healthy life being someone who consumes meat. Could we not also agree its a healthy thing to eat a diet that is mainly fruits, vegetables and leafy greens vs a diet that is comprised of meat and only a few veggies. I wish vegans and vegetarians would stop acting so superior, and the same goes for people who eat meat. Disputing the diet choice based on fact is one thing, but saying stuff like "vegetarian, an old indian word for bad hunter" is offensive to some. I personally find it kind if funny and clever, but rather distasteful because you would not appreciate someone making a comment like that to you. Anyways folks eat what you like, but keep in mind you are what you eat!