People who call themselves "hunters"


Well-Known Member
Quite frankly I just laugh when people think of themselves as "hunters" and think they're talented. Sitting in a tree for five hours with a loaded gun is not hunting and it's pure comedy that some people think it is. Or when people go to an enclosed area and hunt, there can't be anything more pathetic than that. REAL hunting would require you to physically run down and catch whatever it is you want to eat and then tear them open with your bare hands to get the 'parts' you want to eat. Besides, what makes your life more valuable than an animals (speciesism)? This concept right here is the basis of all forms of discrimination or hatred. Hatred is learned and so is speciesism, which is the belief that humans are superior to other forms of life (not at all). What makes racism so bad but speciesism perfectly fine?

Humans are not natural carnivores nor are they omnivores and meat eating is one of the biggest contributors to rapidly increasing disease, even grass-fed w/ no antibiotics or hormones. We don't have sharp fangs or claws to rip into flesh, and physiologically, the human body is 100% herbivorous. We have carbohydrate digestive enzymes in our saliva, only found in herbivores. Our intestines are within the same range as all other herbivores. Our lower jaw goes side to side to in a grinding motion, carnivores jaws go up and down. They also eat the animals raw, on the spot, something humans would get extremely sick from. TRUE carnivores never get clogged arteries. Guess what's one of the biggest killers in America? Arthrosclerosis, or clogged arteries... I wonder why.
So those incissors that are in your mouth. Lets talk about those. How about advancment of weaponary? What do you suppose people were using before the gun to kill? Spears and rocks, were these peoples less than you because of the way they hunted? You owe your life to these people you consider barbaric, without their use of "tools" to kill their food you and I would not be here.
OH and by the way, your post is full of discrimination and hatred so how do you suppose that came to be? You're a vegan right? Shouldn't your higher self not be so damn self righteous and indignate because of your lack of animal products consumed?
Also if you bring a sheep to slaughter do you think it more humane to slit it's throat or beat and claw it to death with your bare hands?
So those incissors that are in your mouth. Lets talk about those. How about advancment of weaponary? What do you suppose people were using before the gun to kill? Spears and rocks, were these peoples less than you because of the way they hunted? You owe your life to these people you consider barbaric, without their use of "tools" to kill their food you and I would not be here.


Please explain how I owe my life to these people, nearly all of our common ancestors were VEGETARIANS. Besides, where do you think cows, pigs, chickens, etc. get their nutrients? From plant based foods. You're filtering your nutrients through someone else.
Kinda' read it, not really. Anyway, you're saying humans aren't apex predators, because we use advanced methods of hunting? Doesn't that make us THE apex predator? If you need to hunt, and you have the options between a rock and a nice scoped rifle with high power rounds, you deserve to starve if you reach for the rock.

All life is created equal. So, why are you so much better than those poor soy plants that are mindlessly destroyed, ripped from the ground, and while still living dissected. No different than someone hunting.

THINK OF THE POOR PLANTS! DON'T BE A VEGETARIAN! (Except you, Sunni, you can be a vegan, cuz you don't bitch and whine when we eat steak.)
OH and by the way, your post is full of discrimination and hatred so how do you suppose that came to be? You're a vegan right? Shouldn't your higher self not be so damn self righteous and indignate because of your lack of animal products consumed?

It's called creating awareness of the holocaust against billions of animals each year and the disease that stems from eating them. It has nothing to do with bragging.
How do you explain that we have canines, yet you say we are not natural meat eaters,herbivores dont have those.We are definitely omnivorous, do some research.
How do you explain that we have canines, yet you say we are not natural meat eaters,herbivores dont have those.We are definitely omnivorous, do some research.

Actually, herbivores have canines, incisors, and molars as well. It would be impossible to eat hard fruit without these.
I suggest you never enter a slaughter house you'll never think about meat the same. There was one just down the street from our shop. The animals know, they know. Taking an animal in the wild that hasn't the foggiest idea what about to happen is much, much 'kinder'. Taking out the old and feeble and doing it correctly, fast and with compassion and then not wasting a drop IMO is the best way. Edit: I'm trying to reduce meat in our diet for our health's sake.

Please explain how I owe my life to these people, nearly all of our common ancestors were VEGETARIANS. Besides, where do you think cows, pigs, chickens, etc. get their nutrients? From plant based foods. You're filtering your nutrients through someone else.
hmmm, last I checked my mother was Native American. Last I knew from growing up around the culture was hunting as a way of life as far back as it was taught. You do know that you are trying to make an argument that is debated by much brighter minds right? They cannot completely agree either.