People who call themselves "hunters"


Well-Known Member
Trying to prove that humans are Herbivores and not Carnivores is a moot point... Because we are Omnivores....

If past humans never ate meat, humans as we are today would not exist.... We would still be a few notches back on the evolutionary belt...

Why can't Vegans just be Vegans and leave everybody else alone.... Show some tolerance for g0d sake...
When I meet a person who doesn't eat Meat my first instinct isn't to save this person from their life of sin...
I think, 'Good for them it must be hard' and go about my business...

A diet devoid of plants and a diet devoid of meat are both unhealthy.. The Human body performs at its best when consuming a wide variety of food...

Its the quality of the meat (GMO and sub-par feed) and appalling animal living conditions on industrial farms that cause disease not the act of eating meat...


Staff member
Trying to prove that humans are Herbivores and not Carnivores is a moot point... Because we are Omnivores....

If past humans never ate meat, humans as we are today would not exist.... We would still be a few notches back on the evolutionary belt...

Why can't Vegans just be Vegans and leave everybody else alone.... Show some tolerance for g0d sake...
When I meet a person who doesn't eat Meat my first instinct isn't to save this person from their life of sin...
I think, 'Good for them it must be hard' and go about my business...

A diet devoid of plants and a diet devoid of meat are both unhealthy.. The Human body performs at its best when consuming a wide variety of food...

Its the quality of the meat (GMO and sub-par feed) and appalling animal living conditions on industrial farms that cause disease not the act of eating meat...
just so you know were not all like him!


Well-Known Member
just so you know were not all like him!
You know its funny, most of the Vegetarians/Vegans I meet in person are like you.. (Normal nice people who just happen to not eat meat)
And the ones I come across on line are like him, which is probably because its only the "ones like him" who announce themselves and start a debate...


Well-Known Member
I like em smelly, and why would I wrap it? I'm not gay and condoms are for fags
i use condoms when i fuck on molly.. that way i can wake up with a dick with some skin left on it still. they are also great for anal play with your girlfriend.. i have a vibrating toothbrush that i wanted to use again.. but i also wanted to put it in her butt.. so i must be a fag right?


Well-Known Member
And I believe in evolution.
Ok. So let's work with this as a basis for a common sense argument. If you believe in evolution, you therefore, believe, and by default, concede to the idea that human genetics has evolved over time. Yes? And by that, we can then, with only a small leap in logic, conclude that species such as bipedal mammals have likely at some point in time held very similar genetic make up. Would you agree to that?


Well-Known Member
Trying to prove that humans are Herbivores and not Carnivores is a moot point... Because we are Omnivores....

If past humans never ate meat, humans as we are today would not exist.... We would still be a few notches back on the evolutionary belt...

Why can't Vegans just be Vegans and leave everybody else alone.... Show some tolerance for g0d sake...
When I meet a person who doesn't eat Meat my first instinct isn't to save this person from their life of sin...
I think, 'Good for them it must be hard' and go about my business...

A diet devoid of plants and a diet devoid of meat are both unhealthy.. The Human body performs at its best when consuming a wide variety of food...

Its the quality of the meat (GMO and sub-par feed) and appalling animal living conditions on industrial farms that cause disease not the act of eating meat...


Well-Known Member
They aren't vague, they are all accurate. What about the fact that only herbivores can get atherosclerosis? What about everything else in this paragraph (it's still all accurate because humans today do not create their own vitamin c) "Although most of us conduct our lives as omnivores, in that we eat flesh as well as vegetables and fruits, human beings have characteristics of herbivores, not carnivores (2). The appendages of carnivores are claws; those of herbivores are hands or hooves. The teeth of carnivores are sharp; those of herbivores are mainly flat (for grinding). The intestinal tract of carnivores is short (3 times body length); that of herbivores, long (12 times body length). Body cooling of carnivores is done by panting; herbivores, by sweating. Carnivores drink fluids by lapping; herbivores, by sipping. Carnivores produce their own vitamin C, whereas herbivores obtain it from their diet. Thus, humans have characteristics of herbivores, not carnivores." Besides, you would still need to answer why we lost the ability to create vitamin C, and it would support that humans are evolving even more towards a herbivorous state.
Ok. Humans are herbivores. All humans who eat meat are fucking with you. They do it not to sustain a certain level of health, they do it only to fuck with you. Yea, thats it. Everyone is bad unless they agree with you. We eat meat to get proteins, fats and calories.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Sources? 120,000 people involved in the study and this author can't be bother to even link to it? The only link to anything is a link to another article written in russian. I don't speak russian. This is exactly the type of thing skeptics don't like. How can I be sure the methodology was solid? How can I even be sure the study wasn't completely fabricated? If you are going to make me go out and find the source on my own then don't bother posting it.


Well-Known Member
Ok. So let's work with this as a basis for a common sense argument. If you believe in evolution, you therefore, believe, and by default, concede to the idea that human genetics has evolved over time. Yes? And by that, we can then, with only a small leap in logic, conclude that species such as bipedal mammals have likely at some point in time held very similar genetic make up. Would you agree to that?
What are you trying to say?


Well-Known Member
Sources? 120,000 people involved in the study and this author can't be bother to even link to it? The only link to anything is a link to another article written in russian. I don't speak russian. This is exactly the type of thing skeptics don't like. How can I be sure the methodology was solid? How can I even be sure the study wasn't completely fabricated? If you are going to make me go out and find the source on my own then don't bother posting it.
You can choose not to believe it because the original sources are in Russian, that doesn't discredit the story though. By the way, this story has made headlines in a ton of news places, mainstream and alternative media. I doubt so many would report on a false study. So what, you think the study was paid off by some vegetarians or something lol?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You can choose not to believe it because the original sources are in Russian, that doesn't discredit the story though. By the way, this story has made headlines in a ton of news places, mainstream and alternative media. I doubt so many would report on a false study. So what, you think the study was paid off by some vegetarians or something lol?
No, I just want to read it for myself.