People That Hate Cats= Bad People

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You don't have to like an animal, but it says a lot about you if you go around hurting them.And dogs shit in the house as well.My brother owns a big white lab, fucker is like a pony.It was cold, so they left him in the kitchen while they came to my house for Christmas dinner.When they got back, they needed a shovel.


Well-Known Member
I am not the biggest cat fan. In fact, I hate cats. However, there are probably plenty of people who don't mind cats in general, except yours.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You're entitled to your opinion.But anyone who goes around hurting them ain't cool.What kind of animals do you like?
I am not the biggest cat fan. In fact, I hate cats. However, there are probably plenty of people who don't mind cats in general, except yours.


Well-Known Member
I'm a dog person. I agree with you though. I don't like a lot of things. Doesn't mean I go out of my way to hurt them. I tasered my parents' dog once though. He was asking for it.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm not a cat person... I've had a few in my life (strays I took in because it broke my heart to see an abandoned animal starving and shivering in the cold) but overall I just don't like cats.

I can't stand litter boxes and I hate people that let their cats roam the neighborhood to shit in my flower beds :cuss: I don't like that they walk on the counters (gross) and I don't like their arrogance (I don't like it in people either). I'm a dog person..... dogs rule!!!

Even though I don't care for cats I don't think I'm a bad person.... nor do any of my friends.... but hey... believe what you want about people that don't like cats... it's no skin off my nose


Well-Known Member
I like cats and all other animals. I used to have a cat that would fetch his favorite toy when you threw it, never seen any other cat do that (maybe he thought he was a dog? lol).

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've had some really good dogs, too.I just kinda like the independence of the cat more.I had a big mean hunting dog when I was a kid, total alpha male dog, scared of his own farts.Ran every time he let one.My brother had a female that had been attacked by two pitbulls,we cleaned her up at my house, nursed her back to health,and she immediately began ignoring my brother.She liked women.She wasn't very big,but she had a lot of heart.I was on a gravel road with her one day, and these two big dobermans came running up like they were going to get me.She backed them down.She died of cancer.Really good dog.
I'm a dog person. I agree with you though. I don't like a lot of things. Doesn't mean I go out of my way to hurt them. I tasered my parents' dog once though. He was asking for it.


Well-Known Member
my man beef with cats is all that hair the shed...i like dark clothes and their hair is always makin me look like i rolled in it after tryin to pet one:wall:...oh well i like fish, all they need is a lil food and a water change like my plants :-P

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Most of mine are strays, too.They shoot them where I live.The little resident narc/caretaker got an earful when he came up to my kid as she was holding her kitten and said,"If I ever see that cat outside,you won't see it again." I told him if he touched my kid's cat he'd never see anything again.It musta weirded him out, coming from a woman.Little bastard.
it's this little guy that won't stop. he's was malnourished when we found him. he hasn't stopped eating since we brought him home.

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There's still fur stuck under my license plate.
God damn cats always shedding. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
There's still fur stuck under my license plate.
God damn cats always shedding. *sigh*
thats just cruel, the only thing i try to hit are those damn geico squirrels, actually had a minor accident recently from trying to miss a fucking deer, and dont get me wrong if i had the chance i would have got that deer into a cooler but atleast i didnt have it come sit in my seat via the windshield

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
my man beef with cats is all that hair the shed...i like dark clothes and their hair is always makin me look like i rolled in it after tryin to pet one

My dog sheds worse then any cat.

Most of mine are strays, too.They shoot them where I live.The little resident narc/caretaker got an earful when he came up to my kid as she was holding her kitten and said,"If I ever see that cat outside,you won't see it again." I told him if he touched my kid's cat he'd never see anything again.It musta weirded him out, coming from a woman.Little bastard.

That's just wrong! I may not like cats... but when I catch them shitting in my flower beds the most I do is turn the hose on them. Most of them get away before a drop of water hits them.... but every now and again I catch one off guard and squirt the hell out of it