People That Hate Cats= Bad People


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that people who hates cats is backstabing bitches that always will let you down.

and this proves in my life: my friends who loves cats is cool people that i found comfortable to hang out with and they never will steal from me or smth.

but "friends" that hates cats always lets me down.:wall:

how about u?


Well-Known Member
Indeed true on my part, I own 3 cats... and those people I know that do not like them are not true friends or let me down more so than others. Egyptians knew what's what about cats :eyesmoke:

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
I can see that it would show ,friendly people verses shady people

ive already have been burned,i see that shit coming and going now

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think you can tell what kind of person someone is by how they treat animals in general.No, I'm not saying you have to be a vegan.


Well-Known Member
cats suck.

i got a kitten when i was dating my wife because she had a couple cats. cool kitten, rowdy as hell. climbed my drapes and treated my apartment like it's own jungle gym.

then one night as i was sleeping, in my dream i felt this burning like sensation on my schlong. i woke to a stinging pain. there was the cat biting down on the helmet of sgt stiffy, while looking up at me.

had 4 puncture wounds on my unit.

i threw the little fukker outside and he was gone forever. i hope a cool ass dog chewed the cat into a million pieces..........

people that hate cats = bad people. why don't you make like my kitty and bite me, bitch.


I deliberately and purposely ran down a cat in my car and felt it's poor wittle kitty head hit under my feet.


Man I love dogs. Mine just found me a nug.


Well-Known Member
People that respect and treat animals properly are good people more often than not, but that doesn't have to be cats. I'll take a dog over a cat any day of the week, but that doesn't mean I'm out trying to run cats down with the car.


I'll take a dog over a cat any day of the week, but that doesn't mean I'm out trying to run cats down with the car.
Good, it's hard to tell if it's a stray or has a collar (with a loving family and a home with a heartbroken child who misses it's lost kitty) at 60.


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I don't think it's fair to say that because someone chooses to dislike cats that they are bad people. They might just be prefer dogs. I don't like cats but that is only because cats do what they want. Fuck that. I do what I want. I can't have 2 species in one house doing whatever they want. That would be chaos.

Dogs...well they just love more I think. And they love always no matter what. Cats..well you have to kiss it's ass for it to even cuddle with you. When you call for a dog it usually comes running over with it's tail going 90. Cats just stare at you..then when you go to pet moves just out of reach. Fuck cats. And I think I am a pretty cool person.

That's like saying people that like chocolate have huge dicks. It just doesn't make sense.

But ladies...I do love chocolate. :D Think about it.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I like cats,but will never own one.My dogs don't piss and shit in the house,why would i want to smell their shit and piss.They also are a drain on the wildlife.They kill birds, squirells,chipmunks and lizzards just for fun.I feed the birds and have to chase one or two cats a day from getting the birds.And my closest neighbour is a half mile away.
I like the new laws a couple of states have adopted,you cannot keep them at home, and you let them roam,they are dead.OPH


Well-Known Member
Many times I have wanted to get live traps and catch all the cats people let just run free killing all the wildlife. I thought about taking the caught cats to humane society the next town over so maybe they stay away.

I didn't do it though, just because it would probably break some kids heart.