People in the UK!


Active Member
Does anyone else agree that this guy is a complete dick? You are so cocky, sarcastic and childish it is unbelievable.. And no it clearly isnt one of the easiest, I done a indoor grow of white widdow x big bud and northern lights and it was pretty much a fail. Because the plants were picky and were like i said. HARD TO GROW.
Have you never noticed indications on some seeds that state the difficulty of the growth? Seriously just get a grip and leave.
LOL .. Maybe hard to grow or maybe you needed to do more reading. Whatever. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
Lol for one everyone needs to smoke a bong and chill :) no need for arguing on a thread man. Plus I've read some fucking stupid questions and this ISNT one of them...

Yea I know of teeside im a Londoner myself and you DONT grow outside here unless u got a massive garden cos the bloody bobbys are everywhere...

I've grown indoors mainly just finished up some autos outside which were crap got 1/8th from 2 plants lol, probably cos I totally neglected them, and I tried outside once before but I started them too late and the frost got em.


Lol for one everyone needs to smoke a bong and chill :) no need for arguing on a thread man. Plus I've read some fucking stupid questions and this ISNT one of them...

Yea I know of teeside im a Londoner myself and you DONT grow outside here unless u got a massive garden cos the bloody bobbys are everywhere...

I've grown indoors mainly just finished up some autos outside which were crap got 1/8th from 2 plants lol, probably cos I totally neglected them, and I tried outside once before but I started them too late and the frost got em.
haha the police thing i completely agree with! 1/8th for 2 plants man! whaaatt haha. i think i might stick with indoor :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nah, he never put up any pics or real info, just the odd statement here and there but he concluded that it was not worth it and isn't bothering again. It's certainly possible though location depending, i've seen some stonking welsh and southern english grows.


Nah, he never put up any pics or real info, just the odd statement here and there but he concluded that it was not worth it and isn't bothering again. It's certainly possible though location depending, i've seen some stonking welsh and southern english grows.
Yeah suthern england is roasting hot, buds would love it down there! Where as today where i am, its been humid and clammy all day. Then as im typing now its absolutely pouring it down haha great


Well-Known Member
haha the police thing i completely agree with! 1/8th for 2 plants man! whaaatt haha. i think i might stick with indoor :D
Yeah it was a waste of time but now I know what went wrong and to look after them properly, I jus got lazy... Autos you can get about an ounce a plant if your lucky...

Indoors is the way forward but if I had a greenhouse or space for 1 boom I'd totally stick a shit ton of plants in it.

An it ain't roasting down here much of the time XD more rainy and horrible but what can u do

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, ii walked through a rainstorm today, ent that roasting hot :lol: I'd certianly use a greenhosue if were to go for an outdoor grow.


Active Member
definatly get a little greenhouse for them n they should do 'ok'
its not hard too grow them out here but gettin a good yield is another story

supose it could be done if we had a one off hot summer its just too hit n miss here in midlands


Well-Known Member
Very pretty Del <3

But dudes...
Southern England CAN be roasting.

However It seems to occasionaly turn tropical in summer with the cycle of blazing sunshine then shitloads of rain/a massive storm, then some more blazing sunshine then a couple of days of humidity and another storm.

My parents never bothered with anything more than the soil already in the yard, a plastic flowerpot and an upside down glass fish tank and they got a half o to an o a plant. But they always grew shitloads at a time in case a couple didn't make it because the weather flipped out.

England's weather is crazy but it's not always cold- where I live there are loads of Australians and they keep complaining about the heat. Tuesday was AWFUL. I went out to pick up wearing a bikini top under a thin tank top and still I came off that damn bus hot dripping and gasping for air 0_o

I think our occasional tip over 30c is pretty impressive considering our general northerly orientation.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's funny you should say that. I had an aussie couple living in my building, they were here for 6 months so got the winter but just caught the crazy wedding period weather, he couldn't stop complaining about the heat. 17th of june, i look out of my window. GreyIMG_4923.jpg