people in america are mixed

Most Americans under 50 only put themselves in a category of their state. "I'm from Florida originally" or "I was raised in California" as far as tracing back ancestors we rarely know the truth. I am just a boring white chick. I don't have a classification but fortunately I can use the term "Caucasian" to sum it all up when it comes time to answer race questions.

i don't think you're boring. :blsmoke:
diden't know any of my family that came into the us before the civil war , found out this year i have a great great uncle who was a union solider, fergerson from oklahoma
diden't know any of my family that came into the us before the civil war , found out this year i have a great great uncle who was a union solider, fergerson from oklahoma

holy shit i think your great granpa shot my great granpas leg off!

he used to always bitch about a guy named fergerson shootin em in the leg during the battle at gettysburg

yes im stoned:shock:
My Mother, Grandmother, GreatGrandmother and so on and so forth were born in England. My Father was born in USA. My Grandfather, my Great Grandfather were born in Hungary.

I tell people that I'm American. Always. I HATE when people claim all these 2nd rate nations as theirs even though they've never even stepped one foot in that land.

Ethnically? I guess old world European is most accurate. (yes i am white) (hey atleast I've been to England visiting family a few times...still don't claim that land as my land)
As most people i'm a mutt and a mix of things... I was born here in florida but as far as heritage im Irish, Indian, italian and fuckin canadian.