People found my plants!!!!!

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I take the entire cluster and plus the tiny leaves and dry them out like buds. It only takes about three days. No need to cure it. taste is mellow and honey like. I dunno, like I said, we both get a nice buzz form it...mellow. With fem's I usually will only smoke 1 bowl, but with males, i will smoke 2. It's a different buzz, a little sideways. :peace:

No one told me how, it was just that I had these years ago and I hate to waste something and I loathe killing plants on principle. It was a natural progression I guess.

out. :blsmoke:
Yews, i am eternally sorry for mislabeling the male pollen as kief, but I do get a buzz off of it. Placebo effect? It's nothing like fem's but I enjoy the heck out of smoking it. Am I crazy? :lol: I almost always throw some on top of my bud.

out. :blsmoke:
it could be getting you high just a little kinda like smokin leaves would, not very and not for long probably give you a headach 9 outa 10 times

and yes you probably are crazy. but i am too i have ziplock freezer bags full of that last little bit of weed from a bowl that tastes like ass got like 5 big bags full not sure what to do with em anyone got any ideas

was stoned staring at the page i see you did some research...
:lol: I heard about the headache thing but we've never experienced that. I do grow quality stuff so maybe as that article stipulated, it might be the difference. :lol:

edit: It could also be that I don't bother trying to collect the pollen by itself (a pain in the arse), but harvest the entire cluster. That might be boosting it a bit.

out. :blsmoke:
I just hate to kill a plant because its the wrong sex. they are all doing the best they can... :mrgreen: :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

The weed ninja agrees but i think is the worst when you find out its a male plant...then your just fucked you watered this little guy everyday now you just have to get rid of it poor lil guy but the pot ninja knows how to make hemp mahahahahahahahah:weed:
He started a grow in an old unused shack.
Putting his plants somewhere in the back.
He even made sure that they had enough light.
But when he returned he got such a fright.
Two people he saw, had discovered the shack.
What would he do? He wants his plants back.
Alas he is worried it might be a trap.
So he posted on here and some called him a whinger.
Then they suggested he become the pot ninja.
So the training began at the video store.
All of the Movies he couldnt watch more.
He watched Jackie Chan and even Bruce Lee.
The look in his eyes, it was worrying me.
Until the day came, in the dead of night.
He ran through the woods with footsteps so light.
He saw both the plants alive in his head.
But when he did find them alas they were dead.
He slipped into the night like he never existed.
But I asked a FED and they said he is listed.
If a twig snaps when the mist is down low.
Its time to escape! dont move away slow!
The Pot Ninja is out there in search of his grow.

(based on fact, source = a friend of a friends cousin)
Kindly ask them not to fuck with your illegal plants while growing on their property without their knowledge. How rude of them...the nerve of some people.
i would bail on that one
or you could camo up and break those poor plants out in the middle of night
like some awsome pot ninja
if they are small fuck em start again
not worth being fucked in the arse in jail over 2 plants

i agree just for the fact it would be funny to see a guy dressed in camo, acting like a ninja while getting into the house then running like fuck when he grabbed the plants.
Dude, if your plants are inside the house, that means there is either a hole in the roof for sunlight or you have lights in there. You better pretend like that shit wasn't you and find another spot. But first, punch your self in the eye and lift your leg high enough for the heel of your foot to kick you in the nuts!
Dude, if your plants are inside the house, that means there is either a hole in the roof for sunlight or you have lights in there. You better pretend like that shit wasn't you and find another spot. But first, punch your self in the eye and lift your leg high enough for the heel of your foot to kick you in the nuts!

I think this guy is madder then you were at
lmao i have only read the first post so far, but this thread offers gold...

what makes you think the plants are STILL alive in the house that they found, and boarded up? :lol:
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