People found my plants!!!!!

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yea I know he meant poo pusher as in "shit packer" etc.. I was just trying to be funny and not get pissed off at some username and avatar on a forum lol.. because thast basically all we really are..I have to keep reminding myself that any retard w/ internet access can come on here and talk shit.
He needs a ghilly suit!! :mrgreen:


out. :blsmoke:
this shit gets funnier every single day . i swear i wake up and i hope that people have posted shit in here every day. good morning to everyone.. whats new.. OHMY GAWD!!! I'm loving Camo pot ninja loL
This just in!!!!!!!!!!!!

The boogey man hasent been sleeping well because he is afraid the pot ninja is under his bed!!
hey i have a stupid question- HOW DO I START A THREAD????? This is driving me crazy, especially since i started a few a couple weeks back! I have been all over this site and i cant figure out how to start a thread! and i'm not even stoned! I have a grow journal i want to start- somebody please HELP.
oh yeah- almost forgot- this thread is hilarious- i did some pot ninja-ing as a kid, many years ago. me and a buddy found somebodys guerilla grow back in the day (over 15 years ago). there must have been over 100 plants spread out over 20 acres of woods. we found em early and monitored them through out the summer. at just the right time in the fall we grabbed about 8, 6 foot plants, we picked the ones with the easyest in/out access. Yeah, i know stealing is wrong, but when your 15/16 and you find 100+ plants you kinda cant help it. its not like somebody lost thier personal stash. we barely cut into this growers profits. needless to say, it was great smoke and we were all set for months and months. any help on HOW TO POST A THREAD would be greatly appreciated- PM me instructions if you want.
Go to home page of RIU... hit the category you want to post the top left you will see a small gray box which says new thread. Bingo...

oh yeah- almost forgot- this thread is hilarious- i did some pot ninja-ing as a kid, many years ago. me and a buddy found somebodys guerilla grow back in the day (over 15 years ago). there must have been over 100 plants spread out over 20 acres of woods. we found em early and monitored them through out the summer. at just the right time in the fall we grabbed about 8, 6 foot plants, we picked the ones with the easyest in/out access. Yeah, i know stealing is wrong, but when your 15/16 and you find 100+ plants you kinda cant help it. its not like somebody lost thier personal stash. we barely cut into this growers profits. needless to say, it was great smoke and we were all set for months and months. any help on HOW TO POST A THREAD would be greatly appreciated- PM me instructions if you want.
go to the section of this forum you want to start a thread, let's say outdoor growing, in the upper right hand corner or there abouts, it will say NEW THREAD. click on and you're set!
loL this is what i say to boogey man every night :finger: lol Pot ninja is my hero!
he is under anyones bed who commits a crime against our green friend:leaf:. if you spill the pot, he will be there, if you blow water through the hitter in the bong, he will be there, and especially if you eat your sprouts he will be there!!! i still cant believe that shit:lol: ahh i lost my last bit of really good stuff!!!!!:dunce: i better watch out or he will get me:-(
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