People Are Saying...


Well-Known Member
In these dark and very,, very stupid times. It seems like all you need to do to become an authoritative source is to claim that people are saying something.

So let this therad be a compendium of ridiculous conspiracy theories and disinformation that our progeny can reference after the fall of our civilization.

My intention is to use this for some of the ridiculous things that the right wing are hearing and accepting as fact. Actual facts, such as Ttystikk is a sex trafficker or Rob Roy believes that molesting children and banning blacks from your business should be ok, should not be this thread's focus no matter how self evident they are.
People are saying that George Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant woman.

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Which is a bullshit lie that the white supremacist trolls propagated because it is easy to make shit up that they know does not matter because it just reenforced their racist narrative that it is ok he was murdered because at some point in his life he robbed someone, and the nuance that the lady was not pregnant is easily ignored by people who could care less.
People are saying that Biden is making the Taliban Great Again!


I'm glad that I drove through Pennsyvania to lurn this. Otherwise I might have thought it was somebody else inviting the Taliban to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th, or negotiating a total US withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban without the participation of the former Afghanistan government or freeing thousand of Taliban prisoners. That would have been stupid.
People are saying that That Man aggressively worked to spare us most of the harm of the pandemic and ramrodded a heroic effort to find and distribute a vaccine. Compare with his successor’s awful performance.
People are saying that Biden is making the Taliban Great Again!

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I'm glad that I drove through Pennsyvania to lurn this. Otherwise I might have thought it was somebody else inviting the Taliban to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th, or negotiating a total US withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban without the participation of the former Afghanistan government of freeing thousand of Taliban prisoners. That would have been stupid.
god damn things like that make me ashamed of how we've let down the mentally disturbed in our country...if they would have all gotten the treatment they so desperately needed, we wouldn't have towering monuments to stupidity and hate like this...
god damn things like that make me ashamed of how we've let down the mentally disturbed in our country...if they would have all gotten the treatment they so desperately needed, we wouldn't have towering monuments to stupidity and hate like this...
Do you recall how many psychiatrists it takes to change a light bulb?

Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change.
people say so much...and so much of it is wrong...
they say that the covid vaccine is more dangerous than covid...
they say that guns help stop violent crime...
they say that the police are there to help you...
they say that republicans aren't closet Nazis...
they say that horse dewormer is a better treatment for covid than getting the vaccine to begin with...
they say a lot of shit, and it's nearly all fucking wrong...this is going to be a long thread...
'some say..'
In these dark and very,, very stupid times. It seems like all you need to do to become an authoritative source is to claim that people are saying something.

So let this therad be a compendium of ridiculous conspiracy theories and disinformation that our progeny can reference after the fall of our civilization.

My intention is to use this for some of the ridiculous things that the right wing are hearing and accepting as fact. Actual facts, such as Ttystikk is a sex trafficker or Rob Roy believes that molesting children and banning blacks from your business should be ok, should not be this thread's focus no matter how self evident they are.

he kicked his old dog for soiling in the house. i could hear his cry and thud. i was in my bedroom and cried. his name was Harley.