Well-Known Member
Them's fightin' words right there!Go Vikings!!

A Die-Hard, Loyal Packers Fan

(EDIT: I didn't remember responding to your post before.

Them's fightin' words right there!Go Vikings!!
Did he ever hit your mom?My step dad kept two families.
one in the states
and one in the korea I think it was.
He was a women beater.
each time he would reinlist it required an overseas deployment.
while he was back in the states his korean women sold his furniture.
When he found her he beat her severly.
She killed herself.
long story short.
piss off a women in any part of the world and you will regret it.
or something
Did he ever hit your mom?
My mom had a long time bf that would ruff her up a little bit from time to time. When I was 16 I witnessed it for the first time and the last time. He out weighed me by at least 50 pounds. So I sucker punched him when he grabbed my mom by the throat. I didn't stop punching until his face looked like bloody hamburger meat. I think he ended up with about 30 stitches in his face, all from my fist. Men that hit women are lowest form of scumbags in the world.
Pussy. Take responsibility for your character's shortcomings by fixing them instead of this disgraceful and skewed pride for being a shitty person.^wouldn't doubt it
I'm selfish & arrogant
so what? sue me
Yeah he beat the fuck out of her. Eventually she divorced.Did he ever hit your mom?
My mom had a long time bf that would ruff her up a little bit from time to time. When I was 16 I witnessed it for the first time and the last time. He out weighed me by at least 50 pounds. So I sucker punched him when he grabbed my mom by the throat. I didn't stop punching until his face looked like bloody hamburger meat. I think he ended up with about 30 stitches in his face, all from my fist. Men that hit women are lowest form of scumbags in the world.
I don't want him to change. I like looking down on the loser with disgust.Pussy. Take responsibility for your character's shortcomings by fixing them instead of this disgraceful and skewed pride for being a shitty person.
You bring up the Ray Rice thing when threads like these pop up, I was just wondering if you understand the actual issue with that situation? There are people out there who think you should never hit a woman no matter what, then there are people who think it's OK if you're legitimately defending yourself, then there are the women beaters. My opinion falls in line with yours, self defense would be OK with me so long as it's really self defense, but what Rice did was not self defense. What was he, a linebacker for the Ravens? Dude was built like a mac truck, hitting the weight room 5-7 days a week. His wife was maybe pushing 130lbs, there was literally nothing she could have done to a dude that big to warrant that kind of response short of pulling a weapon, imoThere's a difference between beating someone like they are a submissive dog, as in the example you cite, and punching a bitch in the mouth because SHE hits YOU.
It doesn't matter who the fuck you are, if you lay your hands on somebody in a violent manner, you better expect retaliation, regardless if you have a vagina or not.
What? That's hitting her, broShe got a good one in too, but I didnt hit her. But I did man handle her and gave the back hand.
lmaoTechnically but not because i felt like it.