A blonde (exceptional physical specimen) walks into a bar and loudly declares "Budweiser!!! I love Budweiser! Bartender! Pour me a Budweiser!"
So he does, a total of twelve times, before she slides off the barstool.
Now the regulars have been watching her slow dissolution, so when she passes out, they take her into the back and take turns until they're all beat. Then they deposit her in the alley.
Next week she walks into the bar. "Budweiser!! I love the stuff. Pour me one, bartender!"
Twelve such go down, and then she follows. The regulars are ready and waiting.
Third week. She walks in, and the bartender is already reaching for the Bud tap. But to everyone's surprise, she meekly says "Gimme a Miller."
The regulars cannot conceal their dismay. The bartender says "Had you figured for a Bud girl through&through."
She says "Yeah ... I love the stuff. But I 've developed some sort of reaction."
"How do you mean?" from the bartender.
"It gives me a sore c*nt." ~rimshot~ cn