Pelosi VS China

Coming from a different perspective. Taiwan has a role to play in the music instrument and effect industry. There are a few North American and European companies that rely on that industry. Try to uncloud the view being portrayed.
The destroyer I was on docked in Kaohsiung in 1976 for repairs after weathering 3 typhoons at sea

the bar girls were awesome
after three typhoons I would imagine you were preset for staggering locomotion.

come to think if it, destroyers are what the bar girls had.

“lively little bottoms”
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Pelosi is as incapable of speaking as Biden. We should not be intimidated by any one tho either! Unfortunately we are very week right now in our military and not in a position to fight China. We are behind on supplies, behind on actual recruits. Branches are waving criminal records and mental issues to have enough troops these days. The Air Force has a drag show you can attend soon. Watch the Navy's gender equality and pro noun video for new recruits. China also now has the largest naval fleet and could attempt to stop our technology supply chain completly. We are in a bad way, I wish people would wake up. Playing with fire these days and everyone wants to talk right and left. It's just a distraction.
We are weak? I worked on nuke missile crypto in the usaf. EE here. What are your qualifications for making such a statement? Do you think Taiwan made the chips in our kg crypto devices? Low information decisions are for trumpkins.
I am unable to open Reuters for some reason, but if I am getting the timeline right, he sold after the senate advanced the bill (a couple weeks ago), but before the house passed it?

That doesn't take insider trading to know that it is worth making the trade if you are paying attention and heavily invested I wouldn't think.
Are you being serious, or just trolling.....the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses.

hanimmal, from the meaning of trolling, You are the troller.....
hanimmal, from the meaning of trolling, You are the troller.....

When in Rome.

Are you being serious, or just trolling.....the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses.
Yes, when did he sell it, all I can read on that article from Reuters is that it was a couple days before the House passed it. But the Senate passed it first, and a couple weeks before that it was passing out of the committees, meaning there was a lot of time for savvy investors to divest.