PEI gets their first licensed producer of medical marijuana

Yes you can buy trim.
You can but sweet leaf.
You can buy ready to roll.
You can buy flower.
You can buy extracts.

At the compassion clubs it's cheaper than the LPs typically.
At the dispensaries it's more. Cost of convenience and them covering their risk.
LOL @ the price per 75mg of THC. It's utterly useless (and over priced at around $15.60 to $29.46 per 1000mg of THC) as everyone knows that those are bogus overall THC% to begin with. Keep the LP shilling off of here please. No one is interested in false information, nor will they fall for it.
I'm all for small mom and pop craft cannabis. If patients can't grow there own, find a BM dealer, locate CC, find a DG o understand the need for LP. I don't support the pump and dump TSX ventures. Fund what helps you at the smallest cost possible. If HC approached me and said "here's a LP license, here's 400ksqft greenhouse and you have to sell it at 2$ a gram" I'd jump on it for the love of growing and the money would be flowing in with amazing community infrastructure backed by 6figure jobs with top of the line benefits and salary matching pensions. It can be done.
You couldn't make that kind profit at $2 a gram retail buster. Ever run a real, legal business before? If you can't sell your product at at least a 50% markup, you won't stay in business. And you want to create positions with 6 figure incomes! Good luck.
Marije, you can post infographs for pages and pages but LP product has been independently tested and their posted THC levels are
'generous', to put it mildly. I find the 'price per 75mg' funny, given the LP's have to change the scale to make their prices not seem like a ripoff.

You have a clear hate-on for dispensaries, so I'm not really sure what you're looking to get out of this thread. Dispensaries fill gaps the LP's can't, and saying dispensaries are bad because they're illegal isn't really saying much.

Cannabis is cannabis, calling some of it 'legal' vs 'illegal' depending on how much it costs is pretty silly.
You couldn't make that kind profit at $2 a gram retail buster. Ever run a real, legal business before? If you can't sell your product at at least a 50% markup, you won't stay in business. And you want to create positions with 6 figure incomes! Good luck.
Do you even smoke weed biatch?
You couldn't make that kind profit at $2 a gram retail buster. Ever run a real, legal business before? If you can't sell your product at at least a 50% markup, you won't stay in business. And you want to create positions with 6 figure incomes! Good luck.
Ah Dizz.. I gots some news fr ya GIRL.... They sell it at 300% profit
At 2 dollars a gram they'd make large...just not with the thought of getting rick off of one person is all :lol:
How can you say this is more expensive than dispensary illegal weed?

First off their THC numbers are a joke. Independent testing has proven their THC claims to be misleading at best. Their handling methods destroy the beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes. These compounds work together to achieve the various effects. The LPs are for lack oft a better comparison, using a micro wave to make sure their kitten is sterile by placing it in a micro wave. Tests have shown this is a bad idea. Better quality products are out there, most kept from the public .If you had ever been able to access quality cannabis you would know this from that experience. Only reason the Free Market is over $5./grm. is because of....... PROHIBITION. Lawyers, raids, product shrinkage (theft from the raids) cost money - the consumer always pays in the end.