Pediatric MMJ Parent / Canada

I so very much appreciate the offers of help. I'm not sure how to start PM convos here but would love to be able to respond to each of you privately.
so whoever you want to talk to, click on their avatar and you'll see start a conversation. if you have the right buttons turned on, you'll get a little red flag in your inbox up top when you get a response...
Welcome =) If there is anything we can help you with let us know =)
Some of the team travel to BC offen, maybe one of us can give you a hand when we are down there
The generosity, compassion, and good will shown to my son (and in turn, myself and my family) by various members on RIU has left me all but speechless.

To those who reached out to me when I first joined RIU and to the person(s) who stepped forward today, I am both humbled and grateful.

I look forward to the day when I am able to pay it forward.