Pediatric MMJ Parent / Canada


Well-Known Member
Y'all are brilliant and such a wealth of info on this board.

My son is a newly physician authorized, medical cannabis patient. DS has a form of chronic traumatic encephalopathy caused by neonatal onset, self injurious behaviour. He also has paroxysmal extreme pain disorder believed to be caused by an abnormality on his SCN9A gene.

We have turned to medical cannabis because modern medicine has nothing left to offer DS. There is no cure. Only symptom management.

Thanks for having us .Would love to connect with other pediatric mmj parents of children with life threatening disorders and who may be receiving palliative care.
Here to help! Are you going to grow yourself, or buy from dispensary?

We are currently purchasing through a dispensary. Am having quite a bit of difficulty locating a strain with the CBD/THC ratio. Hoping that HC will get their shit together so I can get a personal production permit and grow on his behalf.

A balanced strain with low (but not non existent THC) has been difficult to find. Ideally, I'd like an indica dominant hybrid testing consistently around 9 % CBD and 3 % THC.
Y'all are brilliant and such a wealth of info on this board.

My son is a newly physician authorized, medical cannabis patient. DS has a form of chronic traumatic encephalopathy caused by neonatal onset, self injurious behaviour. He also has paroxysmal extreme pain disorder believed to be caused by an abnormality on his SCN9A gene.

We have turned to medical cannabis because modern medicine has nothing left to offer DS. There is no cure. Only symptom management.

Thanks for having us .Would love to connect with other pediatric mmj parents of children with life threatening disorders and who may be receiving palliative care.

I think you will find patients here that will try and help.
May I ask a couple questions to make sure I understand?
How old is your son?
A newly physician authorized patient, meaning his doctor signed a "medical document"? How many grams per day?
9% CBD and 3% THC is based on past experience?
We are currently purchasing through a dispensary. Am having quite a bit of difficulty locating a strain with the CBD/THC ratio. Hoping that HC will get their shit together so I can get a personal production permit and grow on his behalf.

A balanced strain with low (but not non existent THC) has been difficult to find. Ideally, I'd like an indica dominant hybrid testing consistently around 9 % CBD and 3 % THC.
Now you are starting to understand!! Good on you. No time like the present! help your child AS BEST YOU CAN...
HC or anyone else for that matter will not help you like you would want. Its up to you and Im glad you now see that :)

"CBD crew" have the best selection of CBD producing plants! Order online!!

hope this helps
We are currently purchasing through a dispensary. Am having quite a bit of difficulty locating a strain with the CBD/THC ratio. Hoping that HC will get their shit together so I can get a personal production permit and grow on his behalf.

A balanced strain with low (but not non existent THC) has been difficult to find. Ideally, I'd like an indica dominant hybrid testing consistently around 9 % CBD and 3 % THC.
What you are looking for is nearly impossible to attain consistently.
You should not worry about HC getting their shit together.
There isn't a court in Canada that would put you in jail for helping your Son.
That's the best guarantee you have really.
Hey crafty welcome and I applaud you for tring to help your son find relief. I was also wondering if you and your son have tried jucing fresh bud and sugar leaf. It can help emencly for some with pain and a sense of calm and well being. It can also help as a mood stabilizer. Good luck and keep up the good work your son will always remember what you do for him. I would also recommend looking into pharmasan labs they do testing of brain chemicals/ neurotransmitters such seritonin, dopamine, Etc. This is a great non invasive way to see if your son is lacking in any major brain chemistry or neurotransmissons so you can gear treatment towards what is going on. The test is saliva and urine no blood test. You have to have a physician request the test from pharmasan. They ship it priority mail to your door follow instructions and ship it back 30 days you have test results. With simplified charts showing your brain chemistry and neurotransmitters compared to the average persons. I had this done 15 years after being a trial and error experiment for the doctors and pharma companies. I believe the test costs around $500 to $600 but money well spent if it gives you insight into what is going on. Best of luck to you and yours

We are currently purchasing through a dispensary. Am having quite a bit of difficulty locating a strain with the CBD/THC ratio. Hoping that HC will get their shit together so I can get a personal production permit and grow on his behalf.

A balanced strain with low (but not non existent THC) has been difficult to find. Ideally, I'd like an indica dominant hybrid testing consistently around 9 % CBD and 3 % THC.

Why a dispensary instead of a MMPR LP? A few of them seem to have something in the range of what you are looking for (e.g. Mettrum's Green range or CanniMed's 4:10). Also, if you are making extracts, as I suspect you are, you could do a 1:1 mix of Bedrocan's Bediol and Bedrolite which should also end up in that ballpark.
Why a dispensary instead of a MMPR LP? A few of them seem to have something in the range of what you are looking for (e.g. Mettrum's Green range or CanniMed's 4:10). Also, if you are making extracts, as I suspect you are, you could do a 1:1 mix of Bedrocan's Bediol and Bedrolite which should also end up in that ballpark.
Because LP MMPR are overpriced radiation evil fuck fuck no.
I'm on the southern coast of British Columbia, not too far from Vansterdam . I have no connections . None. I'm an mmj loner, lol.

I would post your story about your sons illness in the Washington And Cali forum and mention you have not been able to find the clone at any dispensaries in Washington or in Canada yet. Tell them once you get the Clone u will share it with other patients in Canada. Look and make friends in wa and Cali. I do not even see charlottes web for AC/DC on any flower menus in Washington, so for sure thing travel to California get a clone and mail it to your house in Canada with a clone shipper. Google Clone shipper or clone mailer. You will need to network with real medical patients in CA who are compassionate and will help you. AC/DC is so easy to get in Cali everybody is sharing. In the meantime you should find any indica clone in Canada and learn how to grow, that way you'll have a Headstart once you find AC/DC. Best of luck to you and your son.
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I wish you all the best in your treatment of your Son.
Sometimes not reading really has a way of ,,,,,well,,,,, it helps if ( I read). :dunce:

I wish you all the best in treating your Son. I'm not sure I would have the strength to do what you are doing.
Please don't take anything I've said the wrong way as it comes from wanting to help and emotions get mixed in along the way unfortunately and it doesnt come across right when typing...
As a side note :

We had a police incident involving my son last week. I required assistance to restrain him during sedation. As we were waiting for things to settle down, the PO and I had a good chat. He didn't bat an eyelash when I mentioned we had used MMJ with DS. I had some topicals on my microwave. I'm sure he saw them - again, didn't ask any questions.