Peat moss??


Active Member
I want to get promix hp but peat moss is a third the price. I am getting perlite and all the meals and going organic anyway just was wondering everyone’s thoughts on peat moss
if you are building your own mix , then promix is just peat moss an perlite and lime and added mycos . So if mixing your own its cheaper to get the peat moss seperate , then perlite and your other ammendments.
You want sphagnum peat moss.
If your going organic , then a good start would be 50% peat moss, 20% EWC and 30% perlite. With a couple scoops of lime mixed all into it.
Awesome promix is $34 and 4 cubic ft of peat moss is $10 so way way cheaper I was going to get perlite and worm castings anyway so perfect then going to add bone kelp and blood or alfalfa meal
your doing great then , 4cuft of promix here is 60 bucks plus tax.
Sounds like your off to a good start!
One thing to keep in mind doing full organics (if thats is what your shooting for) is to have a bottle/s of instant food laying around. (any ol chem....MG, peters, advanced, fox farm, ect....) As your plant gets older , you will watch your soil start to run low on food, you can always just repot them when they get to that stage but if thats too much work or you just dont want to , then you can add small amounts of chelated food to give them the instant food they want.
I would start your own EWC farm , its just too easy not to. Thats your main source of good bacteria/fungi/nutrition and many other good things to amend soil. The more "alive" your soil is , the faster the soil reacts to the powder foods/organic matter in the soil.
Awesome thanks. I am going to be growing in the ground. Grew last year with just old manure and did pretty well so I wanted to go all organic in the same holes which are about 3x3x3. What lime would I need, dolomite?
Awesome thanks. I am going to be growing in the ground. Grew last year with just old manure and did pretty well so I wanted to go all organic in the same holes which are about 3x3x3. What lime would I need, dolomite?
since your outside , your soil will be much much better. You wont even need any lime but i always throw it in the hole just cause. If your not in a container , i would till some of your real soil into your mix. yummy!