Peat cup wrapped in saran wrap?


Active Member
I just germinated my amnesia lemon fem until it had a quarter inch tap root and put it into a peat cup about 3/4 full of MG soil. I dont have a seedling tray or anything but i was wondering if i could cover and wrap it in saran wrap to hold in the moisture under my light? I only have it under about 40 watts of CFL's. once it pops it'll go under a UFO. Will this work and speed up the process or would it make things worse for me?


Well-Known Member
i personally would not use the wrap.

if i need to create a humidity dome then i use a small clear plastic bottle bottom.



Well-Known Member

I agree with Jondamon. A clear cup or plastic bottle can be used as an excellent humidity dome, if you need a day to get the cups Saran wrap is fine but the plant grows up to it quickly.

Be sure to pop the dome after the second day - until the top of the soil is dry - to avoid mould.
