

Well-Known Member
Hi All:smile:I was just curious if anyone has any experience growing peas? Looking to expand my knowledge because I just started a few. I will be posting pics soon.


Active Member
What kind of peas are you wanting to grow? I do sugar snaps, basically a no brainer to growing and you dont need to stake em up (usually). Just have to germinate them before planting (i use the wet paper towel trick). Other than that, just water them when they need it. They like moist soil, so just dont over water. If they are outside, just make sure they get about 6-8 hrs of sun and they love Nitrogen and potash. They taste so much better than getting them from super market. I gave up on the markets a long time ago, I grow everything lol Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanx! I have already sprouted 3 seeds(Burpeeana Early from Lowe's). They are about 1 or 2 inches tall in a peat pot. Should I separate them or would 3 plants grow fine together in like a 5 gallon container?


Active Member
No prob. 3 plants will grow fine in a 5 gallon container as long as they are atleast few inches apart (I do mine about 5 inches). Thats the great thing about peas, you can plant them almost right on top of each other and they use the other plants for support and I would recommend not separating them for that reason. But they do love sun, so just make sure one plant isnt shading the other ones or else your peas will taste stale and starchy. They use the sun to make the sugar which gives you the sweeter peas.


Well-Known Member
O.K. - Thanx! I guess I'll have to pull two because they are only like an inch apart in the peat pot. I planted three because I wanted to make sure I got at least one sprout. All three sprouted.It's such a shame I can't just leave the two. I have more seeds so I guess I'll just plant a couple in the larger container once I get it set up.


Active Member
O.K. - Thanx! I guess I'll have to pull two because they are only like an inch apart in the peat pot. I planted three because I wanted to make sure I got at least one sprout. All three sprouted.It's such a shame I can't just leave the two. I have more seeds so I guess I'll just plant a couple in the larger container once I get it set up.
Theoretically you can keep them there until they are a little bigger, or just keep them under grow lights when they start to produce the pods. Only reason you shouldn't keep them that close if they are outdoor because they shade each other and thats messes up your crop. You'll still get peas, just wont taste very good. Its all trial and error, something that works for me might not for your and vice versa just because of the different regions we live in. Good luck with your grow though!


Well-Known Member
Just posting some new pics - they've done great although their is one issue. The package said they need no support, but they keep falling over. I used a couple stems to keep them up for now. Is something wrong?



Well-Known Member
get a 3' piece of chicken wire and cut out the hieght and width of the container in the middle bottom of the whire. stand up and place it over the container near the peas and secure it so it wont move. this is just an idea I had when I read your post nothing proven for growing with pots. I use chicken wire and stakes in my garden. the peas grow and fill in the length of the wire. they look very healthy

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Raised Peas for 40 years. "I love Peas to eat!!". This indoor/container growing method has me on my knees... In most parts of the Country, a pea garden is too late. Never fertilize peas or beans with N nutrition, they add N to the soil. For fun, go to your local Grocery Store to the dried pea & bean section. Grab a 1 Lb. pack of Black Eyed, Purple Hull, Crowder, Red Beans, Lima's,, Black Beans, split pea, Kidney, Pinto, and all the other shit on the shelf. Just before a good rain, sling them (broadcast) in any area not being used. In 4 days, you will have 1000's of all sort of shit growing. Add a little-20 handfuls) of cheap bird seed, and you have a very intriguing growth of weird shit. Pop corn. old tomatoes, garlic, seeds saved from bell pepper, free them instead of putting in the garbage. A miracle. Just for fun.


New Member
Sounds cool...I'll have to give it a try.

You're really getting into gardening aren't you? I think it's cool. I love to grow all sorts of stuff. :mrgreen:

I've never grown peas, but I did see your catnip coming along in the background of one of the pics.

I think I might get to eat some of my sweet corn next week. Some of the ears are looking close to done. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm lovin' the gardening - it's great! The Catnip is doing O.K., but I've learned that Catnip grows lots of roots & next time I will be sure to use a larger container. My cat loves it - she has been trying to eat the leaves. I wish I had more land to work with - I would try to grow a forest(lol). I hope your sweet corn is delicious! I will be updating lots of pictures soon so stayed tuned.


New Member
You can transplant it. Catnip seems to be a plant that the more you beat it up and waller it around it grows better. If you want to keep it bushy, cut the tops off when it goes to flower. That'll give you more green for kitty.