Peanut Butter Breathe, Ice Cream Cake Outdoor (Any seasoned SoCal growers here?)


Picked up a few clones for a new project. I know that summers get really hot in SoCal so I've decided to put a 40% shade cloth over the operation...

Since I cant find any of the traditional soil brands I'm used to growing with (due to corona) I decided to go with Black Magic at Home Depot.
Planning on doing a few in 5 gallon, and the others in 3 gallon pots with panda film on the floor to reflect the light up to the leaf bottoms.

Havent decided on nute line yet, suggestions are welcome.

For this run I will be doing Half PBB and Half ICC but I'm also popping a few autoflower seeds that I got from a good friend in the Netherlands. I haven't popped those yet, will in the next day or two.

This is my first time doing an outdoor run in Southern California, if you guys have any tips of input feel free to drop. Peace



Well-Known Member
Actually super curious how you do with that black magic soil. Apparently it was made by Miracle Gro exclusively for cannabis after the CEO went into a hydroponics shop and saw how popular cannabis specific soils and nutrients were. If it works as claimed you shouldn't need any nutes for a while.

Unfortunately I'm about as far away from you as possible while still being in the US so no SoCal specific suggestions but I'll be following along nonetheless!


Actually super curious how you do with that black magic soil. Apparently it was made by Miracle Gro exclusively for cannabis after the CEO went into a hydroponics shop and saw how popular cannabis specific soils and nutrients were. If it works as claimed you shouldn't need any nutes for a while.

Unfortunately I'm about as far away from you as possible while still being in the US so no SoCal specific suggestions but I'll be following along nonetheless!
Yeah I read about how they're a part of Miracle Gro which made me kinda iffy about it, but 1. I had no other choice given all the hydro shops that I know of are currently closed and 2. I didn't come across anything too negative in reviews besides that it has less amendments than advertised.. guess well find out!

Thanks for following along brother !


Well-Known Member
those are some good looking cuts my friend! ill be going outdoor soon here in norcal with some girl scout cookies forum cut. got them vegging indoors for now until the daylight gets longer. you plan on going straight into the ground?


The ice creams proved to be thirsty lil babies. And when they want water they wilt fast, even when the dirt is still slightly wet. I've never seen that before but I decided to 1. heavily water them (obviously) then 2. put them inside.

Unfortunately, because Amazon fucked my grow tent order up I now have to wait until May 12th to set my indoor up properly.

What you see in the pictures below is a photo box converted into a nursery.. it works. Using a 2 foot Vivo sun T-5 fixture with 4 bulbs, it's doing the job for now but I also have some seeds germinating so I might have to bring in the second T-5 fixture in the near future.



those are some good looking cuts my friend! ill be going outdoor soon here in norcal with some girl scout cookies forum cut. got them vegging indoors for now until the daylight gets longer. you plan on going straight into the ground?
thanks my dude. and yeah I'm taking them straight outside because I don't have any space to keep them on a light regiment inside. Hopefully the shock is minimal, mothers day is only a few days away!

Cheers on your grow man. Wish i had that NorCal weather. Look forward to seeing your grow.


Well-Known Member
thanks my dude. and yeah I'm taking them straight outside because I don't have any space to keep them on a light regiment inside. Hopefully the shock is minimal, mothers day is only a few days away!

Cheers on your grow man. Wish i had that NorCal weather. Look forward to seeing your grow.
Any recent updates?