Peace or Hillary? - you can't have both


Well-Known Member
thankfully, many of the dem voters have unplugged from the Borg. many are voting for the only viable pro-peace candidate in the USA, Ron Paul.

for those of you who haven't figured this out yet - Hillary won't end the war. she wants to be queen and she wants power. she wants to subject the US to more and more treaties that will bind us and imprison us with EU style mass-government; banning vitamins, banning certain forms of speech, banning guns and open press. Ron Paul wants to serve America - just like he has all his life.

who really cares if more soldiers die? who really cares that more and more Iraqi people are dying from cholera and dysentery? who really cares if we go to war with Iran? who really cares if the US goes bankrupt because we're financing billionaire bankers? if any of that matters it's time to question the party rhetoric. it's time to question your party.

for those who are still blinded by party loyalty, here's an article showing how Hillary is directly tied to G.W. Bush and his network of imperialist financiers. Does it really matter?

AlterNet: Hillary's Mystery Money Men



New Member
thankfully, many of the dem voters have unplugged from the Borg. many are voting for the only viable pro-peace candidate in the USA, Ron Paul.

for those of you who haven't figured this out yet - Hillary won't end the war. she wants to be queen and she wants power. she wants to subject the US to more and more treaties that will bind us and imprison us with EU style mass-government; banning vitamins, banning certain forms of speech, banning guns and open press. Ron Paul wants to serve America - just like he has all his life.

who really cares if more soldiers die? who really cares that more and more Iraqi people are dying from cholera and dysentery? who really cares if we go to war with Iran? who really cares if the US goes bankrupt because we're financing billionaire bankers? if any of that matters it's time to question the party rhetoric. it's time to question your party.

for those who are still blinded by party loyalty, here's an article showing how Hillary is directly tied to G.W. Bush and his network of imperialist financiers. Does it really matter?

AlterNet: Hillary's Mystery Money Men

So what's good for the goose (BUSH) is not good for the gander (HILLARY). It seems like this guy, Quashi, just wants an inside track to whomever the new president would be. Uhhh, isn't that the way politics works? After all, he is contributing to McCain and Judiani also. I hear Ron Paul is taking money from Oil interests and other corporate interests these days. Does that mean he'll be playing on their team also? If you want to knock one candidate for their contributors, it seems only fair one should disclose their candidates unseemly contributors.


Well-Known Member
i'm all for honesty. i just wanted to point out the giant fat ass pink elephant trouncing around in the room, farting at 155 decibels, crushing people and knocking things over because no one seems to notice it.

you have to be honest with me about Ron Paul. does he vote his conscience or does he vote the polls? does he have integrity? does he give money back to the government each year, money that hardly any other politicians return? does he use the funds given to him for retirement or refuse them?

just given his record, do you think he's going to bow to the NWO or sell his position to the highest bidder?

i hope he does take big oil money, and enviro-church money and all the rest of it!! that's great news!



New Member
i'm all for honesty. i just wanted to point out the giant fat ass pink elephant trouncing around in the room, farting at 155 decibels, crushing people and knocking things over because no one seems to notice it.

you have to be honest with me about Ron Paul. does he vote his conscience or does he vote the polls? does he have integrity? does he give money back to the government each year, money that hardly any other politicians return? does he use the funds given to him for retirement or refuse them?

just given his record, do you think he's going to bow to the NWO or sell his position to the highest bidder?

i hope he does take big oil money, and enviro-church money and all the rest of it!! that's great news!

WOW, I guess I touched a nerve. So your pure candidate takes oil money to get elected but won't serve the oil lobby's interest if elected. I find this rather infantile reasoning. Does he walk on water like me also? Hey I've said I like Pauls honesty in service (so far), I also like his freedom agenda. I have a problem with his privatization agenda as I've seen what corporate rule is doing to this country, and it isn't pretty. You can preach all you want about the evils of government and I'll agree with about 80% of it, but to turn our government bureaucracies into private bureaucracies with profit as the driving force seems duplicitous and totally insane


Well-Known Member
i'm all for honesty. i just wanted to point out the giant fat ass pink elephant trouncing around in the room, farting at 155 decibels, crushing people and knocking things over because no one seems to notice it.
Nobody seems to notice it because nobody knows what you are talking about.:spew:

Try pocketing the busted metaphors and try to say something that doesn't need a spy agency to decrypt...


Well-Known Member
Nobody seems to notice it because nobody knows what you are talking about.:spew:

Try pocketing the busted metaphors and try to say something that doesn't need a spy agency to decrypt...
use your secret decoder ring! clinton is a liar. does that matter to anyone who is considering voting for her? she wants to continue the aggressive war policy, does that matter?

that's about it.



New Member
use your secret decoder ring! clinton is a liar. does that matter to anyone who is considering voting for her? she wants to continue the aggressive war policy, does that matter?

that's about it.

You just sumed up every other politician running for the head office, maybe Paul is a little less of a hypocrite, but I'm sure he gets deals for Texas or he wouldn't be re-elected.


Well-Known Member
You just sumed up every other politician running for the head office, maybe Paul is a little less of a hypocrite, but I'm sure he gets deals for Texas or he wouldn't be re-elected.
i agree!

he does use "earmark" money for Texas. he comes out and explains this process that most politicians would rather keep under the rug. he doesn't lie to you though, he would rather be unpopular than lie. that's what the sociopaths like clinton can't comprehend. they are attention whores, plain and simple.

my point is, she has lied and lied and lied to her "followers" and they keep right on going! it's disgusting, nauseating and terrifying all at the same time. i just don't get it. she quickly established her self as a panderer. the fake accent when she was in Alabama. the deal for illegals. on and on. how does she ANY support? who can rationalize following this woman? it's amazing, in a very hollow and sad way.



New Member
i agree!

he does use "earmark" money for Texas. he comes out and explains this process that most politicians would rather keep under the rug. he doesn't lie to you though, he would rather be unpopular than lie. that's what the sociopaths like clinton can't comprehend. they are attention whores, plain and simple.

my point is, she has lied and lied and lied to her "followers" and they keep right on going! it's disgusting, nauseating and terrifying all at the same time. i just don't get it. she quickly established her self as a panderer. the fake accent when she was in Alabama. the deal for illegals. on and on. how does she ANY support? who can rationalize following this woman? it's amazing, in a very hollow and sad way.

7X, she is a politician, lying is a natural phenomenon with them. Getting elected trumps all else and they'll say anything that will further their agenda. I'm pretty sure if you tracked all of them as hard as Hillary is being tracked, you'd find similar situations. Some just know how to cover it up better, hell, Bill couldn't even keep a Blow job under the Radar.

"he would rather be unpopular than lie". This will not bring him into the oval office in todays world.


New Member
I hear Ron Paul is taking money from Oil interests and other corporate interests these days. Does that mean he'll be playing on their team also? If you want to knock one candidate for their contributors, it seems only fair one should disclose their candidates unseemly contributors.
i had to look this one up. Ron Paul has accepted $29,546 from oil & gas industry. hillary has accepted $541,308 from oil and gas.

hillary is the top funded candidate from just about every industry. in truth, almost all money to all the candidates comes from buisness. although ron paul has most of his money coming from individual donations. which is why he has raised so little in comparison to others. ($8.2 million to hillary's $91 million & obama's $80.2 million & mitt romney's $62 million & giuliani's $47 million)

the thing is, no president is going to create policy which effectivly shuts down a whole national industry or even a buisness, if it is reputable. i mean, no buisness would have anything to worry about if it were ran by honest individuals concerned about the earth and humans. they would already be acting in humans best interests.


New Member
i had to look this one up. Ron Paul has accepted $29,546 from oil & gas industry. hillary has accepted $541,308 from oil and gas.

hillary is the top funded candidate from just about every industry. in truth, almost all money to all the candidates comes from buisness. although ron paul has most of his money coming from individual donations. which is why he has raised so little in comparison to others. ($8.2 million to hillary's $91 million & obama's $80.2 million & mitt romney's $62 million & giuliani's $47 million)

the thing is, no president is going to create policy which effectivly shuts down a whole national industry or even a buisness, if it is reputable. i mean, no buisness would have anything to worry about if it were ran by honest individuals concerned about the earth and humans. they would already be acting in humans best interests.
And there you have it my friend. I doubt that ten percent of businesses have a conscience. It is all about the almighty dollar. It is those businesses that so vehemently oppose the likes of Ron Paul. They already control the USA, this is a plutocracy, not a democracy, and change is not acceptable.
Hence the assasination of Ron paul is almost assured if he wins the presidency. What is the credo of a corporation? I'll tell you in case you really don't know. How do we improve the bottom line, That is all. Cut jobs, cut costs, and maximize profits, period. Some have a PR force in effect to hide their real agenda and keep public opinion off their back, but corporations are all about the money, period.


New Member
If Ron Paul were elected, and assuming he could get all of his beliefs inacted into law, we would have a revolution in no time. First off, 110,000 employees of the IRS would take up arms and march to Washington because their gravy train would be in a shambles. Then, the employees of the Departments of Energy, Education, the DEA, FEMA, OSHA, FCC, FDA, TVA ... and the department in charge of katsup flow, showing up to work only to discover that they cannot turn the lights on, would be in lock-step right behind the IRS and BATF goons.

Ron Paul stands for liberty ... and there are a lot of folks who would be out of work if liberty ever really broke out.



Well-Known Member
and there are a lot of folks who would be out of work if liberty ever really broke out.


what a powerful statement that is. we create false jobs and feed the government to such massive proportions that we risk revolution by simply reclaiming the "inalienable rights" that were asserted under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. it's really amazing where we are right now.



New Member
what a powerful statement that is. we create false jobs and feed the government to such massive proportions that we risk revolution by simply reclaiming the "inalienable rights" that were asserted under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. it's really amazing where we are right now.

Yeah, get used to it my young and naive friend. There are no easy fixes, and that includes the great savior Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
I hate this. I might as well not even vote. Would it really even matter? I mean if Mr. Bush can cheat his way into office twice then it doesn't even really matter if the american people vote or not. fuck it guys, i'm going to canada.


New Member
I hate this. I might as well not even vote. Would it really even matter? I mean if Mr. Bush can cheat his way into office twice then it doesn't even really matter if the american people vote or not. fuck it guys, i'm going to canada.
Awfully cold in winter, but with this global warming trend, might just be the new Carribean.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, get used to it my young and naive friend. There are no easy fixes, and that includes the great savior Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is not a savior at all, he just has a message. i want him to take that message to DC and i want those corrupt, lazy pieces of garbage to hear that message. i want them to hear us for a change!



New Member
Ron Paul is not a savior at all, he just has a message. i want him to take that message to DC and i want those corrupt, lazy pieces of garbage to hear that message. i want them to hear us for a change!
WORD! there needs to be a man of the people in office. someone without connections, someone not bought and paid for already by the large corporations.

will he stay honest and untouchable? who knows. will he get capped a year in? quite possibly.

but someone needs to have the people's interest in mind for a change to really happen.

the powers that be are laughing thinking: "the people have power, it's written in their constitution. they're just too lazy, indifferent or stupid to use it." the're taking us for a ride, my friends.