

Well-Known Member
umm yeah dipshit is wrong if your heart gets punctured with a 45acp round you may have a few moments of oxygenated brain function left then you will die regardless of drugs in your system. your racist comments are not needed here on a cannabis website. please dont post ignorant info its irritating feel free to argue with me ill make you look stupid on request.
actually PCP is pretty fucked up as ive said many times before, i read a article on the web that said cops shot at a man multiple times and he wouldn't die, like they would think he was dead and a few seconds later he was good as new, i believe that a man on pcp could live without his heart for maybe up to an hour, definately dont think it could be longer than that, im pretty sure on pcp your pressure or something would be so high somehow blood was still pumping and the way pcp is described its like the person isnt even there anyways, they dont control anything, its like there brain is just firing signals and hallucinating.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
my comment was directed at someone else so you know and feel free to do your own reading. but put simply and ask a doctor the human body can only function without heart function for a number of seconds most people when shot will know there hurt and give up . a crazy person or highly trained and dedicated or someone on pcp or other drug will fight until the blood oxygen levels in there brain fade at that point they will rapidly expire this is simple medical fact. although a few seconds at close range with someone determined to kill you is a very long time indeed.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
wow eating people on psp crazy. i have seen vids where people get tazed or pepper sprayed with no effect also i read a police report of a girl on pcp who stabbed herself in the stomach multiple times with a butcher knife then charged the cops and they shot her down. or normally weak individuals producing much strength like breaking handcuffs or needing many cops to be controlled. all in all bad shit not worth trying there are better alternatives imo.


Well-Known Member
lol.. calling me out my drug knowledge. Maybe you should read any of my posts in the hallucinatory substance section, I know my shit bud ;-)

Im not saying you dont know your shit its just better to proof someone wrong then just say they are wrong.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the guy said a human on pcp can run around for an hour with a destroyed heart no blood flow to the brain means rapid death. no drug can change that. so on this point there is no need to prove anything its common knowledge. it is true that someone in a crazy state drug induced or not can get fatally injured and still be fighting until blood pressure gets so low that the brain can no longer function. a person can take a solid shot to the heart and still react for a minute or so but thats it.


Well-Known Member
sry for the confusion but i meant the fact that pcp was created for WWII, i thought you meant that was a load of crap.

so i wanted you to prove it wasnt created for WWII use rather than just saying thats a lie which is what i assumed.


New Member
Phencyclidine Was First Synthesized In 1926. Well Before WWII. It Was Also Not Used On Humans Until 1961. Well After The End Of WWII.


Well-Known Member
Phencyclidine Was First Synthesized In 1926. Well Before WWII. It Was Also Not Used On Humans Until 1961. Well After The End Of WWII.
Yes most drugs that are synthesized are hardly ever used on humans until someone stumbles on their effects. This thread has many good topics and viewpoints, overall my understanding and standpoint on Phenecylidine is of harsh discondonment. PCP was an anesthetic used in hospitals before Ketamine was and shortly after its medical use was pulled off the shelf because of its bizarre reactions it exhibited on people after surgery. Again this is a NDMA agonist and is much different than typtamines and phenelyamines... so if anyone who is thinking of embellishing this beast please be aware that this drug is far more pronounced than your typical psychonaut experience. Look at it this way the name of it says it all dissociative anesthetic... it removes sensation from the mind or intertwines the feeling of perception into other categories of the human psyche. If I was to advocate of any braches of dissociative I would stick to ketamine which is much milder and less strain to the brain. If you
re an herion addict that wants a psychedelic twist to his/her shit than you might want to try PCP, but hell your body will feel like mush but your brain will be dialing into every unimaginable thought their is. For the youtube video on Big Lurch... geez, that is barbarian status there.. eating part of the intestines... but media, whenever it comes to drugs they always try to push things... such as the infamous MDMA LEAVES HOLES IN YOUR BRAIN MYTH OR ONE DOSE OF ECSTASY CAN CAUSE IRRERVSIBLE BRAIN DAMANG.. thanks to the ABC special on Ecstasy which did an outstanding job of removing all the bias and fraudalent claims against mdma.