Pcc offical update thread


Well-Known Member
400! U alive! Welcome home bro..

Oh, and Don Gin, ur def not in last compard to my shit. Ive stunted the hell outta my girl..


Well-Known Member
i harvested three plants today got 33.3 grams off of em, still got 6 more to go two r afghan kush and one of em is one of my entries for this the three yall r about to see are my entries for this. vids soon


New Member
I am now understanding what it means to have bad genes. My entries are starting to anger me.

7 [Day 29 since Pistils]: Almost all older fan leaves already have started to turn yellow and fall off. Thought I should feed more but that just seemed to burn the already yellow leaves so I backed off again back to 1ml per gal (went back to RO water for feedings and distilled water + molasses between). Other than the weird looks, buds are growing and so are the trichomes.

5 [Day 25 since pistils]: Starting to show yellowing of fan leaves and same situation as the other one. Started feeding more and saw burn so went back to previous schedule (feeding schedule is the same for both plants). Also took a clone (can't remember if I posted this already) and it has rooted growing (flowered from beginning; don't have a separate area for clones/seeds). The pictures of the clone are kinda old now that I think about it because over the last two days its got into grow mode haha.

[Pistil reference because I did 12/12 from seed]



Well-Known Member
Here we go again.. Its like almost a month, I think.

Facial shot...

After the Spider Mites, I got a new baby for my pain:)


New Member
Well today is the Feb 28th and I had to chop 1 plant to fit in my other Orange Mass that was in the comp but took out to veg, has now out grown the veg box I have. Which is the grow going on that's in my sig 1 Orange Mass 1 400 hps. Anyways on the the comp shit, I really wish I could'a waited another 2 weeks to chop her, the buds are sooooo dense. I picked the O.M to chop 'cause she was the smallest of the 2.
Here's some pics. I'll start off with the vegg'd O.M to the G.E. in the flower closet. Hope you all enjoy.



Well-Known Member

Everything is going well, bud development is way faster then my last girl, which i like. Still having some yellowing, but nothing new since i upped the nutes. Im at a full Teaspoon right now with everything, and im going to bup it up to half a Tablespoon once this batch runs out, this bitch need's alot more then my last go, which is ok, but kinda annoying haha.
I did my pollination as well, didn't take pics of the process in that its too much to do everything, and try to get pics of me doing it. its basically like painting on a canvas, the pollen is your paint, and your plant is the canvas ;)
I didnt take pics of the actual branch i pollinated on its own, but once they start to turn brown and die, i can show you all that was pollinated.



Well-Known Member
24 days of 12/12. Starting to get a little yellowing on some lower leaves. I burnt my first and last batch to come down pretty bad and don't want to do it again, so I've been playing with my nutes. Some of them seem to be lollypopping themselves, and might end up as one big bud!!:weed:





New Member
March 1st,

Well I'm tired of babysitting these little bitches, they take up too much time. So I chopped the last entry, Green Elfy.
Now I can get back to "regular" growing. It was fun but tedious. I can't belive that you can get nice plants from these 16oz cups.
Vegg'd for 3 weeks and flower'd for 6-7 weeks.
Wet weight from both:
Orange Mass- 42g's and change
Green Elfy -51g's and change
If I get 30% of wet weight I'll end up with a zip.
Here's the pix of the G.E. enjoy
Thanks again Sicc for the comp, it was pretty cool.



New Member
hey man thanks. If I was to do it again (but I don't think I will) I'd deff veg longer than 3 weeks and plan to do a full party cup grow like cph has going and plan out my times better. scewed up my times for the other grow behind it and it outgrew the veg area.
It was fun but kinda glad it's over for me.
Good luck with the rest of you and hope you get some dank ass'd buds
