PC veg box


Active Member
Decided to keep it small for my first grow and use 2 pc's for growing. One for veg other for flowering. Just tore apart my old computer that i'm going to use for vegging. Can anyone who's done this before let me know if 1x 80mm fan intake and 1x 80-120 mm fan exhaust will be good for vegging. Also, as of right now im staring at an empty computer. Going to buy some type of reclective material (heard the stuff they used for car windshields was good) and wanted to know which type was good that didn't keep the inside hot. Finally, what did you guys use to insulate the inside of the computer that isn't a fire hazard?


Active Member
Will do...still not sure what i should use for insulation? Would styro foam work well or would that get too hot?