Pc planter


Active Member
just wonder wht peoples thoughts and comments about the different PC Planters I was thinkin bout makn one since i have a bunch of computer cases. im jus wondern if it would be sucessful and worth the time.


Well-Known Member
Whether or not its successful or worth the time is completely up to you. Those things will be determined by your skill as a grower. Has it been done? Yes. Has it been done in a successful and effective way? Yes. Is it the most effective way of growing? Definetly not.

If youre limited to ONLY a computer tower grow, then yeah, you can make it work. But if you have other options (ie, more space), I would go with that.


Active Member
Yea thats pretty much all the space that i could allow for really. I don't want alot anyway 1 plant every couple or months or so would be ok. I've never done anything indoors always outside so its all new to me just looking for feedback thanks