PC Plant - Experiment.


Well-Known Member
rightey oh.

Here it is the PC Plant experiment lol.
basically the PC case got gutted out and a 20Watt CFL stuck in and the extractor fan got hooked up to the mains output.

cuz of space it had to be laid flat, which is why this is an experiment fo me. i am going to try and make it grow sideways lol.

there are two bag seeds in there and they should be sprouting any day now.

Gonna add another 20Watt CFL when the plant is growing.

It is also being started in the 12/12 cycle. Thought about doing a 10/10 cycle but realised there would be alot of manual light changing etc so just stuck with 12/12.

the Light has an output of 1200 lumens. two would be 2400 that should be enough for inside a PC case right?

the bulb packaging says 'soft mood' is that O.K?

here are some pics of the setup.....lol its ghetto.

Any feedback would begreatly appreciated. ill keep you guys updated and will post pics as soon as she pops up.




Well-Known Member
p.c. grows seem like they would be tough, just due to the room and height restrictions. i have never done it so i dont really know for myself. like dude said maybe a few more lights and some training of the plant and it could work.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
she has sprouted!!! thought i would post some pics of the shrub. does she look healthy lol proly to early to tell.


camera quality aint worht taking pics. will have to w8 till l8r.


Well-Known Member
Here we are, some Pics of the baby PC Plant, too me she looks healthy. does she to you?
i have been giving her evian water, is that good?

stil no sign of the other seed:roll:



Well-Known Member
Look at this... I am gone for a few months and people have resorted to growing in computers... LMAO I am DEFINITELY keeping up with this one... good luck bro, you're going to need it for that.


Well-Known Member
Look at this... I am gone for a few months and people have resorted to growing in computers... LMAO I am DEFINITELY keeping up with this one... good luck bro, you're going to need it for that.
lol, its an experiment to see if it will work lol, ima try and grow it horizontally after it matures a lil.


Well-Known Member
I would be careful about that bro, the horizontal could be bad for your yeilds due to a lack of space and also could easily fck your plants up due to it growing up, considering there is such little room there, it could easily get hot spots. I would stick with the vertical until you find either a. a larger tower or b. use the SOG method with only one to two plants.


Well-Known Member
I would be careful about that bro, the horizontal could be bad for your yeilds due to a lack of space and also could easily fck your plants up due to it growing up, considering there is such little room there, it could easily get hot spots. I would stick with the vertical until you find either a. a larger tower or b. use the SOG method with only one to two plants.
what is this SOG method you speak of? theres only gna b two plants in there. it is a big tower case, its just that i cant lay it vertically, it has to be laid horizontally for storage purposes.

my plan was, keep em growing upright untill they got no more room, then start to tie them down so they are bending away from the light, then when they are a bit stronger shove em horizontal.


Well-Known Member
My PC grow was for making seeds but i dont have pollen yet...
But i have 125W bulb in there and ive topped the plants a few times. In corner are some clones.

SOG and letting them grow tall isnt effective in a tower because light will not get to the lower branches. Topping will get you multiple budsites at the top and thats where the light will get to them


Well-Known Member
My PC grow was for making seeds but i dont have pollen yet...
But i have 125W bulb in there and ive topped the plants a few times. In corner are some clones.

SOG and letting them grow tall isnt effective in a tower because light will not get to the lower branches. Topping will get you multiple budsites at the top and thats where the light will get to them
how/when do i top the plants? im startin in the 12/12 cycle does that effect topping?

just got another 20w cfl today, so that 2400 lumens for two plants. there soft mood tho, does that mean anything to you?


Well-Known Member
Top when you like, i top in flowering and that way i can controll how close to the light the buds will be. Top once when there are two nodes, then again when they are in flowering and close to the bulb. This will slow growth and the new budsights will stay more or less in the height you topped them at.
Let flower early, maybe when the plant has taken up half its space.


Well-Known Member
Top when you like, i top in flowering and that way i can controll how close to the light the buds will be. Top once when there are two nodes, then again when they are in flowering and close to the bulb. This will slow growth and the new budsights will stay more or less in the height you topped them at.
Let flower early, maybe when the plant has taken up half its space.
you my friend, are a legend


Well-Known Member
SOG, my bad, i definitely meant something else but neither of them would work, topping is best. you can do it anytime and just cut the lower branches off before they start doing anything useful, it will end up looking like a bouqet and will definitely produce bud


Well-Known Member
SOG, my bad, i definitely meant something else but neither of them would work, topping is best. you can do it anytime and just cut the lower branches off before they start doing anything useful, it will end up looking like a bouqet and will definitely produce bud
shweet, ima top when i get the 2nd node. looks fucking bright with the second bulb in.


Well-Known Member
The only downside to cutting the under branches is that it will have less yeilds BUT you will be ensuring that ALL leaves are getting good light with will be the ones that make the plant look like a bouqet and they will produce good buds