PC Micro Grow Beginning Week 2


IMG_20100827_094926.jpg2010-08-28-03-05-57.jpgIMG_20100827_094950.jpgOk I could use some guidance. I am attaching pics of my plant. The setup is a hydroponic reservoir. I am using a one for all nutrient called moon dust. I am trying to keep the ppm around 600 and the ph ~6.5. The light is a 50 W HPS. Things seem to be going steady as I go into the 2nd week, but I am noticing these white things attaching themselves (assuming they are living) to the edges and I am wondering if it is the cause of the spotting on the leave or if that is something else. I am not sure what is going to come of this or even if the space is big enough to produce anything worthwhile but I have some low rider auto bloom that should go quite nice inside the case. Just need a good way to maintain clones... so if you have ideas on that.


Well-Known Member
destroy the pests and keep them that way. the leaf looks like a nute defficency but i cant say which


Never saw any spots like that before keep a close eye on you plant! 50w hps is a good light for that small pc box but to maxamize yield i'd be doing a scrog, but not sure if thats been done with auto floers before, do a search. In hydro you want your ph at 5.5-5.8 so i'd say lower it a bit. How olds the plants? Seedling or clone? 600ppm is the highest i'd go for a plant that size prob would even back it off to 400. Better less then to much, nute burn sucks!!


Thanks for the info I really appreciate it. I was thinking about getting a seperate germination/cloning chamber where I could start them to about 6-8" and then put them in the pc for flowering. I think that might work better, cuz dropping two seeds directly in the system, only sprouted the one plant.


Ya hps is a great light but id use fluoro or cfl for popping seeds/clones. Old tower speakers is a great idea i had for a flower area, you could germ them in the pc then flower one plant each in a large stereo speaker (can easily have 2 for stealth). Should be real easy, theres a million things to grow in, roll one up and get thinking lol.


Active Member
one thing you can look foward 2 is installing a fan that blows in towards the plants which this will help them from burning up and keep bugs off them. and a hps inside a computer case i would imagine will create a good amount of heat. and the pics show burns. other then that growing beautiful =D i always love them when they r small.

1 other thing i didnt add your PH is off a bit for hydroponic grow.. your main goal for ph level for hydroponic is 5.8-6.2


Today I hooked up a 150W HPS HID light for a starter station. I have dropped the seeds in a organic starter plug surrounded with hydroton. I am spraying with purified water (RO). The light is off for now I am waiting for them to sprout. I am hoping to veg them to 6" and then move to my pc case for lst and eventual flowering... how many weeks of LST should I do? Also can I accomplish this in the starter cube and hydroton, or do I need to put them in a DWC as well. Anyone ever tried a starter cube in soil for eventual transplant into a dwc? Seems like that would induce shock, but just an idea. This is my first time at this and a book is on the way. But so far this forum has been fantastic.

More on the nutrients: I am currently using a local concoction that claims 19-8-13 (as the forums pointed out this means N-P-K levels) and is touted as being an all in one. I am wondering if using this as a base there are other nutes I could consider. Because they are small I don't want to burn them out, but I want to make sure they are fed.


Ok first and for most please put a small 23w or whatev watt you have around over your seedlings. the hps will be to strong right now, you'll need the cfl for warmth and available light when she breaks surface. You can transfer your plant to dwc with little stress just make sure the roots are clean. DWC is a lot of work and requires special nutes and ph and ppm meters which are all very expensive. I'd go soil first time around as it is very forgiving when mistakes are mad, in DWC if one thing goes wrong over night (pump fail, nute burn...) you'll lose everything. LST will be a great way to keep your height down in the PC even a mini scrog would work very well maximizing yeild. I'd grow your seedling till shes mature like a mother plant for atleast 4 weeks then take clones and flower to determine sex. Don't give more then 1/4 nutes to start and dont start for atleast a week to let your seedling devolope. When flowering get nutes with a higher P-K value then N as P-K are needed more. keep us posted


Thanks I really appreciate the feedback. I guess it is too late as I am in to week 3 of veg with a white dwarf (I think lol). I keep my ppm between 400-500 at this stage and the ph ~6.0. What I am trying to do is veg them in the closet and flower them in the pc going forward, as I think it will be easier to manage the odor if they are inside the box.

I am thinking of overhauling the closet. Line with mylar, get some form of ventilation. I have one of those tower honeywell ionizer fans, and it puts out a significant breeze, the closet is not a walkin, just linear with a sliding door. So I was wondering if blowing the breeze in one side and keeping the other end cracked to let the air out, would be sufficient. Not sure though since it would all be drawing ultimately from the same room. Would welcome any advice on this setup and what else I could do to keep things cool with the 150W light.



Here are some more pics. Started to see yellowing on one of the healthier leaves so running 0 nutes in the resevoir to flush, was planning on running for 24 hours or so. Is this a bad idea?


Use a 18/6 lights on lights off. This will help the plant get use to the hps better. I vote overhaul your closet! Its great fun. But don't blow air in and let seep out a crack on the other side, suck hot air out making a passive vent system. So pulling cool air through intake then hot air out exhaust into room and always have your window open to transfer heat unless you have a/c. Your only using your closet for clones and veg right? Nutes and ph are good. Keep growing!!