PC Micro Grow 270W 4050 Lumens


Do as d.tea says, and when you're nutes get here add a very small percentage of them. 1/4 recommended, if not less. If the yellowing continues, then there is something else going on.

Les Gold

The yellowing could be a number of things.

First, I noticed you used Miracle Grow. Miracle Grow is terrible, I don't care what anyone says...it's garbage.

Second, the yellowing could a Nitrogen deficiency. So, be sure that the nute your adding is High is nitrogen, IMO. That miracle grow soil does not come as carefully PH and nute balanced as higher end soil.

Third, all of the distilled water I've tested is pretty acidic...like 6.0 range. I've read many different opinions regarding optimal PH, but I believe that the PH needs to be higher than regular, untreated distilled water. So, you might want to get a PH water test kit, and PH increaser from Petsmart.

Hope this helps...the size of that flower pot concerns me regarding root growth, they don't have much room to dig. Good luck to you brother and I'll be watching. Keep pics coming.
Thanks for all the input, i thought i did enough research before digging into this, boy was i wrong lol.. learning as i go. well my nutrients are still not here...ordered them 14 days ago! so i got some foxfarm 6-2-2 from a friend in the meantime. i'm thinking this is looking like a nitrogen deficiency, i just added 1/2 teaspoon to a gallon of purified water and gave the plant a watering. when i added some soil to the pot i did notice that the plant had roots coming out of the bottom, what would you suggest the best pot to use in my case being it so small? How does the rest of my plant look, it has taken its toll since i have not had my nutes :-( any recommendations? my PH is sitting around 7.0


keep it real.

Well-Known Member
you should build something to reflect the light down, right now the light can go up and down maybe windshield reflective material or somthing that would greatly help utilize the lighting your using and keep it from running away.
i see what you are saying, i will look into making something. im training the plant that is why she is laying like that. the entire case is wrapped in mylar. anybody have any input on the yellowing of the leaves?

Les Gold

At 7.0, your PH is too high. Even if you add nitrogen through fert, it will likely not be absorbed. You ideally want your PH at 6.5.

Regarding your question about roots... I don't know the solution. It seems like a hydro setup would make more sense.

Good luck and hope she gets better.

Here's a link to the charts that you'll get from Foxfarm, sorry it's so large but check out the PH chart at the bottom left.


Active Member
Yeap agreed about your pH at 7.0 being way too high, try to drop that down asap!
Other then that love the PC grow, always been a fan of PC grows, easy way to explain why friends can hear fans going off lol.
Most people wouldn't be the wiser =)

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves is from a ph issue don't feeding her i can see in your last set of pics shes been feed heavily but the yellow has not stopped. miracle grow soil is not all that bad, it does make it harder on a first time grower, it was not designed to be growing cannabis but you need to fix it to your needs, with my experience with mg soil is it has a tendency to get acidic because of the wood chips in it, i would water the plant and test the ph of the run off the water that comes out of the holes. lets say your runoff is 5.3 that's too low and you would need to add garden lime to your soil to help raise the ph and keep it from swinging all around. careful with the moisture control it can really cause problems if your not careful. next time you use mg soil add lime and alot of perlite.
thanks for all the feedback, my nutes STILL ARE NOT HERE!!!! i am going today to go pick up the ph up down. the plant is still yellowing slowly but its now showing signs of my first flowers! pics and updates soon to come! ill try and get my ph down a little and see how she recovers
hey guys, sorry for the long wait for the update, well we are on day 31 or so and the plant is starting to flower. she still has some sort of defencity, not sure if its PH. i have not had time to make it to petsmart to buy ph up/down so my ph is still around 7-7.5( i know its high) here are some updated pics. any thoughts?IMAG0120.jpgIMAG0121.jpgIMAG0122.jpgIMAG0123.jpgIMAG0127.jpgIMAG0128.jpgIMAG0129.jpgIMAG0130.jpgIMAG0131.jpgIMAG0132.jpg


Active Member
nice grow. I have a PC grow too. I wish i would have thought about getting a low auto type. I would think those are perfect for such a small space.

Im gonna keep my eye on this thread:)
yea, its perfect size, after this grow im going to go back and strip my box and fix it, i can do it so much better a 2nd time, im also thinking of squeezing in another plant, after seeing how small this one is, im sure i can fit 2 in next time.


Well-Known Member
Only skimmed through the posts and not sure if you ended up adding nitrogen, but that would be my main guess atm. In all my grows Ive never had to mess with my pH so I cant tell you much on that.
small update: we are on day 33 or so and the plant is looking healthier and healthier, she is starting to get her dank smell and man am i excited! did a bit more training and here are the pics afterwards. i've also decided that im going with 2 lowryder strains next grow. i will do a rework of my box and increase my yield...how are the buds looking? any feedback for a first time grower???IMAG0140.jpgIMAG0141.jpgIMAG0142.jpgIMAG0144.jpgIMAG0145.jpgIMAG0146.jpgIMAG0147.jpgIMAG0148.jpgIMAG0149.jpg



Well-Known Member
they look real good especially for your first grow. but id forsure get a couple more bulbs at the bottom for more light, itll be better at the end trust me. maybe some of those clamp on cfls and u can clamp it to the side of the pot and get more light under the canopy. but looks nice


Active Member
Looking good!

Though I have to agree^

More watts = more buds

Also you should be cramming at least 1 more plant in there, mini - scrogs work great in micro grows