PC Micro CFL Trial #1


Alrighty guys, I am trying out a PC Micro CFL grow, this has highly intrigued me.

I am using a pretty standard case, 19" tall 8" wide and about 22" in length. One 65 watt CFL 2700k and two 23 watt 2700k. One fan for intake, one for exhaust.

I am using a mix of Organicare Soil and VermiBlend Soil Amendment for my growing medium

My nutes consist of Flora Nova Bloom for base, Big Bud, Bud Candy, and Bloombastic for enhancers.

After planting the clone I got, which was Master x Bubba, I gave medium multiple blasts of VermiTea. Which established an outstanding root base.

I am using the 6:40 on and 12 off cycle, and I am currentl on day 20 of the plant cycle but it really has been 14 days. I LST, then scrogged a bit, removed the screen now.

I have 7 sites for colas, with 3 of them showing flowers already.

Water is purified from a house filtration system.



Active Member
Hey man grow looks good
love the pc grow box
If you have room upgrade the 23 watts to 45 watts other than that grow looks nice :mrgreen:
def stay posted


alrighty....I was curious about my root zone...but well I was worried that my lil 6" tall container was not going to cut it...so I switched to a container which holds 2.5 quarts !

From the pics you will see how healthy and well developed the root zone is...

I re-tied everything down...this will be most likely my last major modification or change....

this is now day 22 of the plant cycle and 16 of real ones



Active Member
Looks like a succcesful transplant.

I would top of the container with more soil to cover up any loose roots if you can though

root space is very impotant
nice job transplanting at perfect timming though
over all things look nice an green in there
good job


Here is an update everyone....

This is now real day 24, plant day 34....

I run my lights on for 6:40 and off for 12...I get 9 cycles in 7 days ...

Here are some photos...as well



Active Member
Here is an update everyone....

This is now real day 24, plant day 34....

I run my lights on for 6:40 and off for 12...I get 9 cycles in 7 days ...

Here are some photos...as well
Surely you mean OFF for 6.40 and ON for 12? Anyway, glad your giving this lighting cycle a go i'll be interested in the results, looks good so far though. Subscribed.


well...I did a ton more research and looking around but I believe the shortened light schedule I was using was not meant for CFLs....more so for HIDs....plus with CFLs you are limited with how much lumen intensity you are getting in the first place, the best solution is to give them as much as possible....

So I ditched the 6:40 on and 12 off and switched to 12/12...I hope it does not shock it too much...


Well-Known Member
good luck with the switch...hope the girls hold up...how are your temps in there when the case is all closed up? my pc case can get a bit warm with four 23w CFLs...


Well here I am now on day 36...just real day 36. I switched to 12/12 from my "weird" light cycle and the results have been pretty good...

I am hoping that by Aug 16...which will be 50 days I will have a good idea of how she will do....

But thank goodness the switch to 12/12 did not shock her that much... a bit of leaf burning but eh...

some pics too...



good luck with the switch...hope the girls hold up...how are your temps in there when the case is all closed up? my pc case can get a bit warm with four 23w CFLs...
thanks for the support man...temps hold around 82 to 85 if the day is warm but when it cools off in the evening the temp drops down to about 81 or so ...not too bad I think...I bet at some points when I am not around in the earlier part of the day the temp prob passes 85 for a bit...

She is drinking nearly half a liter a day if not a bit more now


I am having some heat issues as of the last few days...I am now in day 43...since day 40 the temp has shot from an average of 82 to 85 all the way up to 88 to 91!!!!! YIKES! I am not sure what is causing the sudden heat increase....but I am not sure how to deal with it at this stage of everything...

any ideas ?


I added a much larger intake fan and it dropped the temp very nicely...I am now closer to my old spread of 82 to 85 but averaging about 88 to 90 still during the peak time of the day...

I am thinking about adding another exhaust fan too .....

I wish I could run the house ac more often....because when it is sucking in cool 76 air the case temp is barely 81!