PC Growers Has anyone tryed this yet?


Active Member
i must be dumb. i dont get it :P

air goes in to a tube then goes out? with carbon in the middle?

herp derp derp


Active Member
The general idea yes suck air out thru a carbon filter the genuis part is that it still looks like you have a regular PC power supply in the back.


Active Member
Great idea look forward to seeing it done, 2 downsides I can see are:
Hard to change carbon once it wears.
There are hell of a lot of electrics in there that make to voltage manageable by a PC fan, however if you were to use a laptop charger to run the fans you wouldn't need the electronics anyway :-) good luck.


Active Member
Basicly I would Gut it save the fans and the leave the plugs on the back. putting a new filter in would mean taking out 8 screws in total,I take these apart all the time there pretty easy.All you have to do on the fans is hookem up in a series with the right V on your PSU off like a cell phone or mp3 player. I plan on doing this soon I'll post pics when i do, when I say soon i really mean sometime.