PC Growbox for $300 or Rubbermaid grow box for $100? YOU DECIDE!


Active Member
This not absolutely essential to post but I thought Id make a quick point for absolute newbies out there.
While I haven't started my first grow just yet my box is done and I have been researching for well over a year now and I thought Id make this one suggestion.
If you got limited space and funds ,like me, and are considering buying a pc grow box ,as I did, why not build a rubbermaid grow box for at least $150 dollars less?
The PC growbox sellers by and large are complete thieves and while you can build one yourself for next to nothing in comparison if your going to do that building a rubbermaid box will cost about the same and you will end up being much happier with the results.
Remember you get more room to grow which means a MUCH HIGHER YIELD and they can be just as stealthy.

Here are a few links to get you started and good luck-


Well-Known Member
pc grows are meant for extra stealth...which your not going to get with a rubbermaid container with light shooting out of it..more room yes...just as stealthy? not if you have fans for intake and exhaust...i agree with not paying the god awful prices they charge...when one can just build their own pc grow box...i went another route...stealth dresser...more room then any tote can get...and ultra stealth


Active Member
I only think a pc grow box would be preferable in a very small percentage of situations based on the potential yields you can get. BTW you can light proof a rubbermaid grow box.


Well-Known Member
I only think a pc grow box would be preferable in a very small percentage of situations based on the potential yields you can get. BTW you can light proof a rubbermaid grow box.
thats true...i would never use one..but in some cases like dorm rooms..or kids growing in mommies house would benefit from a pc grow...and you can light proof the box..same as you would when making a dwc...but if you have fans in light is going to get out...unless you build a duct system on the inside...at which time your going to start losing cfm like crazy


Active Member
If you must go with something super small might I suggest a speaker? You can get them much larger then a pc case but small enough to not really be noticeable and you can even make them functional. Either way a Rubbermaid would be much better and obviously a cabinet with hps lights would be a lot better then that.
Mainly what I'm trying to do here is stop newbies from paying a huge amount of money for something that will probably disappoint them especially when they can build something much better and cheaper themselves.


Well-Known Member
just looked at the thread you posted...can see light coming out of the left side...and with ducts and pipes sticking out of the top of it...its far from being stealth...its not a bad idea at all..dont get me wrong...but as it comes to stealth it dont hold a candle to a pc grow box..which is the main purpose of the pc grow boxes..so saying this is better then a pc case isnt really true..more room yeah...but its an eye sore and anyone with half a brain would see something is going on in there...which would a cop notice first...a pc case under a desk...or stacked rubbermaid containers with light and tubes coming out of it


I've been wondering this myself, how do you plan to flower them in either? Won't most strains get far too tall for both of them?


Active Member
Id Suggest LST or SCROG to keep plants bushy, Simply flowering them early would also keep the height down though remember in a rubbermaid grow with big tubs you can let your plants get 3 feet tall easily.


Active Member
I know this thread is old but I just wanted to share a picture of my stealth rubbermaid grow box. Obviously I still need to paint the inside but for now it looks really cool!



New Member
I built a PC grow case, kinda ghetto with black tape but it works well. I'm going to ebay it for $150 with everything including lights and air pump/stone when I move out of my parents house and get my 1000 watter which is very soon, end of month

Two totes works well but its not very stealth, my parents caught on right away. But they just assumed I bought another computer when I made my PC case.


Well-Known Member
I built a PC grow case, kinda ghetto with black tape but it works well. I'm going to ebay it for $150 with everything including lights and air pump/stone when I move out of my parents house and get my 1000 watter which is very soon, end of month

Two totes works well but its not very stealth, my parents caught on right away. But they just assumed I bought another computer when I made my PC case.
lmao how old are you? i'm not a dick to anyone under 18 on the site, but assuming you're over 18 why would your parents go in your room? (guessing that's where you would have your grow if you were living at home) that would suck to have parents snooping around in your bedroom as an adult.... hell even as a kid that would be weird.