PC Grow Questons


Active Member
Hello all,

This is my first post on here, but I have been reading all day today different people that have done very successful grows in a PC tower. I have one all ready to go, but I wanted to ask a few questions before I started doing things since this is my very first grow attempt.

Few details that might help answer the questions. The case has 3 light sockets and I will be using CFLs (alternate two 6500k and one 2700k during veg, and two 2700k and one 6500k during flower I believe?). White walls, two fans, and a screen for LST. Doing it all organically in some good ole soil.

1)How long from when the seeds sprout to harvest time would you expect? I couldn't find any timeline anywhere for a microgrow such as this. A rough estimate will do.

2)Should I only go at it with one plant or can I fit two? I want to increase the odds I get a female but also don't want it to be too crowded.

Any other tips will help! I know there's at least a couple people in here with an expertise in such a grow setup.. Thanks!! :leaf:


Active Member
You probably would want to have your seedlings on 12/12 right off the bat seeing how you wont be able to get them that big in a pc tower. You should see signs of flowering around week 4 or 5 i believe.


Well-Known Member
I would use pure 2700 for auto flowers like lowryder seeds, If your going bag seed. research topping and Low stress training and use 6500k for vegging and 2700k for 12/12. I would keep the veg period really short. The plants often triple in size when they flower so be ready for that. vegging early and LST plus topping really helps. autoflowers are seed to flower in 9 weeks. bag seed will take longer depending on how long you veg.

SO basically start reading, you are starting out with an disadvantage in space so you will have to work a little harder to make it work.
SICC is a member that does amazing things with party cups. I do whatever the guy says when it comes to growing so look him up.


Active Member
I would use pure 2700 for auto flowers like lowryder seeds, If your going bag seed. research topping and Low stress training and use 6500k for vegging and 2700k for 12/12. I would keep the veg period really short. The plants often triple in size when they flower so be ready for that. vegging early and LST plus topping really helps. autoflowers are seed to flower in 9 weeks. bag seed will take longer depending on how long you veg.

SO basically start reading, you are starting out with an disadvantage in space so you will have to work a little harder to make it work.
SICC is a member that does amazing things with party cups. I do whatever the guy says when it comes to growing so look him up.
Thanks! I think I'm just gonna go with a few nice looking bag seeds for now until I know that I'm not going to screw it up. I have the screen for LST so I'm definitely going to do that, but I'm afraid I'll kill it or something if I try to top it, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I started with a bag seed as well, wanted to work out the bugs which sadly one bug killed the plant, faulty fan install so you are smart to start with free seeds. make your second grow a named seed or something.


Active Member
I started with a bag seed as well, wanted to work out the bugs which sadly one bug killed the plant, faulty fan install so you are smart to start with free seeds. make your second grow a named seed or something.
For sure, I'm a little scared I'm going to come out with a cannabis sausage fest and get all males, but at least I'll learn the basics first and get something good. Just checked out the party cup grow by SICC, that would be awesome if I could come out with something as short and bushy as that, but I know I won't first try.


Well-Known Member
Just growing a plant will teach you more than reading ever could. Research has its place certainly, but actually growing your own female is special. Just dont give up and read,read,read


Active Member
Also, I was thinking about trying to put at least two plants in there at a time, maybe 3 since I'll have room to weave em around and give them their space with the LST screen. I'm going to be flowering them relatively early due to the space constraints. Anybody have input on what they think I can fit in there? I've heard claims of getting over an ounce out of one of these things with careful training and whatnot, but what would be a more realistic yield to be looking at?


Well-Known Member
Dont expect top yields from your first crop. Expect more like bare minimum as most of us learn as we go. I would start 3 and 12/12 them from the get go. sex them as soon as possible. if your lucky you will end up with a female or two. This grow will teach you how to grow.


Active Member
About how long until I should be able to tell the sex if I did them 12/12 from the start? I have never read anything about doing that except with auto-flower strains.