Pc grow idea !!!


Well-Known Member
okay thank you LT for replying so basically your saying because of the power consumption and overly lumen output for the space rite? and yes you are correct a limited amount of light can produce decent growth... in fact a bare min. is around 3000 lumens per sq ft will grow very decent plants given proper airflow and light reflection is used. As i said before the suns output is approxitmatly 10,000 lumens per sq ft , so in reality anything in between 3000 to 10,000 lumens would be great for plant propagation... the higher lumens would in theory be better to for the plant (ie produce larger and tighter buds) am i wrong....
a 150w produce around 16000 lumens and have a 14000 lumen mean so it would be jus over 10,000 or so lumens per sqft with the proper airflow and temp control this would be an optimum grow condition ( is that not what we are trying to recreate by growing indoors the optimum grow conditions for the plant to allow it to produce to its full potential with training( lst and scrog the plants could in theory be very productive , the pc case grow usually dont produce very well due to space time grown plant size and enviroment conditions( ie light heat airflow even co2 supplement)
Well setup the cooltube on the 150, and just take a temperature reading in there before you put any plants in, if it's within the right temperatures, then you should be good to go :) I'd be interested in making a cool tube, but I gotta figure out a way to still fit my reflector on? Maybe I could rig glass up to the bottom of that and blow a fan through he other end...


Well-Known Member
Well setup the cooltube on the 150, and just take a temperature reading in there before you put any plants in, if it's within the right temperatures, then you should be good to go :) I'd be interested in making a cool tube, but I gotta figure out a way to still fit my reflector on? Maybe I could rig glass up to the bottom of that and blow a fan through he other end...
you can make reflectors to fit your needs the rigid ac ducts at home depot work great


Well-Known Member
you can make reflectors to fit your needs the rigid ac ducts at home depot work great
jeez 150w hps would be nuts in a pc grow, i onlt had 4 cfls and my plants grew fast and produced some good shit. if you get this into production id love to watch and see the results


Well-Known Member
jeez 150w hps would be nuts in a pc grow, i onlt had 4 cfls and my plants grew fast and produced some good shit. if you get this into production id love to watch and see the results
im gonna for sure wait untilthe current grow is over but then it will most likely be getting started


Well-Known Member
jus realized that the carbon filter is on the wrong vent but its doing more than one purpose there , light sealing and smell so ill have to add one to the grow area exhaust


Active Member
i say....do the 150w and post some bad ass dense nuggets that makes me jizz in my pants

the bulb i have is 70w and is 9500 lum's

so it could pull the job

but im looking at another bulb online and its only 70w and 7500 lum

i thought the sun put out way more then 10,000 lums per sq foot though

i thought it was like....18500 on a summer day

MORE LIGHT==BUDDDDDS(if you control the air that is...which you seem confident about that )


Well-Known Member
Hey Kho20

I think 150w it just a little too much. My space is exactly 1 sq ft and I have a 150w cfl in there putting out 9700 lumens. In theory I can get a bit closer to the cfl than I could with a hps but even at 4 or 5 inches from my bulb I've been getting a lot of bleaching on the leaves. I suspect a hps bulb would cause problems even further down.
I've rigged a diffuser under the bulb that seems to have sorted it out for me but that tells me that maybe 9000 lumens/sq ft is prolly going to be more than enough.


Well-Known Member
v12 thanks for your input see bleaching can be caused by the ozone in your box also the particle we cant see refract light , idk your temps or airflow method but if there isnt a good exchange the light and heat from your 150 cfl its the long tube one rite? is creating basically the greenhouse effect and cooking the plants i bet you put a fan directly at the end of your bulb this wouldnt be a problem, and 97000 lumens output is the intial output then you lose prolly 1000 to 1500 lumens after say 5 mins also same with all lights..... as for the sun putting 10,000 lumens i found it again thats the light output at the equater at the highest light of summer slowy degradeing as you move north and south ..... well im goin to grab some peices im gonna need today and prolly order the lights too, but hell like i said it an experiment if it dont work hell ill order a 70 or 100 and jus use the 150 in another box lol


Well-Known Member
Not heard about ozone issues. If you have any links to references I'd love to check them out.

You're right, my bulb is a single 150 but to cover the 10% thing I have a 13w 6500k light I use to mix up the spectrum, so initial lumens are around 10,600 in total. The main bulb is cfl but it has a remote ballast outside the case so temps are ideal. As for air exchange I have 4 fans and a passive vent.
I'm pretty sure it's light intensity that caused the problem because without a diffuser the bulb bleached everything in it's path, but just by fitting a 1 inch strip of white plastic directly under the lowest filament of the bulb I've been able to put the little veg light back in and the leaves are recovering even on the plant that's due for harvest. I'm not sure the addition of a plastic strip could alleviate ozone issues that easily, but I'll look into it anyway.
We can only get 70 or 150w hps here but if I could get a 100w hps and boost that with some cfl's to provide some blue light and some UVB I think that would be the best of both worlds.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i think your rite if a diffuser is bringing them back lol i was pretty baked when i replied but the ozone thing is basically a small version of the planets problems but again i think you were rite lol well oh well like i said ill give it a go and see what happens haha oh and i went and got a box today not exactly what i wanted but i think itll work its , 2'h ,15"l, 7 1/2" w:weed:



Well-Known Member
Nice case. Those vents at the top could be really handy.
Same size as mine more or less. You could have some fun in there :)
I still think a 150 is too much but good luck.


Well-Known Member
i think they will be but see i was planning on getting a longer case so im thinking the 150 is gonna go out the window hahaha but yeah i got some different ideas for it now i do have some big 68w lights but there not much lumens each like only 4200 each but idk i really wanna go hps for density ya kno lol ill try it i can always build something else to use it lol


Active Member
hey man i have already built on eof these like 2 days ago ill come back and post my thread go check it out and tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
thanks for the support guys and yeah BB i subscribed to your thread so i can follow along


Active Member
hey man by looking at your case you could fit 7 maybe 8 100watt CFLS in there with 7 of the 32watt=100watt CLFs thats 12,600 lumens off 7 lights with 8 lights you would get 14,400 lumens a 150watt HPS puts out 15,000lumens .... you should try out the CFLs


Well-Known Member
yeah my current grow is all cfl i could easily put em in there but idk im gonna try the hps this time lol