PC Grow case, DP Blueberry feminized, possibly using HTGSupply ufo LED 50wat


Active Member
ahh good to be back, my last grow which was my first i didnt post much about it but wound up growing about a HP of DP Euphoria that was hands down some ill stuff, so ive been waiting for the right time and after grabbing alot of additional items im looking tomake a more specific smaller grow on a rotational schedule, being i will only use the pc grow case (kind of a challenge and not so noticable) prob only cut 2-5 clones and only keep the best 2 and have them grow again, my new digi camera is coming today therefore once its here ill throw up some pics..... should be interesting, a long way from bubbleponics and my homebox tent but shud be illl who doesnt love blueberries