PC Grow Box With CFL's

im not sure if this is the right area to post this but here it is. Ive been working on my PC grow box for the last couple of months, i dont know much about indoor growing, but ive grown alot of bud outdoors... Ive only started plants inside and moved outside and was wondering if i would be able to finish and bud a Tiny ass plant in here? I just want to do it to see if i can i dont care about Yeild. Its a Gateway PC It has one intake fan, and and one exhaust fan, And two fans exhaust fans that move air into electrical chamber (Not installed yet, Should i?) The PC is Lined with 2mm Mylar, everything is wired up right. I have a Big ass 2700K Light for Flowering which i think will flower them, a 26 WATT 6500k CFL for vegging, and a 15watt CFL for vegging. Right now there is only one light fixture in it, but i plan on putting another in tomorrow, But Should i? When i Veg Will a 26watt and 15watt Work good? Or should i just do a 26watt (kinda low in my opinion but i dont grow indoors). I never grow bag seed i get all my seeds fromwww.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com too Which strain would be best? Im thinking an AutoFlowering Lowryder, Right Now i have Skunk Haze, Hawaiian Skunk , Kiwiskunk, Purple Widow Seeds, Which one of these strains would grow best in here? Or should i just buy an autoflowering freak seed?

There are some Picture of the current set up so far...
What Kind of soil is best for indoors?
Should i Do Scrog or LST Or just let it grow natural?
I also accidently threw out the PC side cabnit, what should i makeone with? Unless someone on here has on they want to sell?

Anything helps

Thanks Smoke In Peace



im not sure if this is the right area to post this but here it is. Ive been working on my PC grow box for the last couple of months, i dont know much about indoor growing, but ive grown alot of bud outdoors... Ive only started plants inside and moved outside and was wondering if i would be able to finish and bud a Tiny ass plant in here? I just want to do it to see if i can i dont care about Yeild. Its a Gateway PC It has one intake fan, and and one exhaust fan, And two fans exhaust fans that move air into electrical chamber (Not installed yet, Should i?) The PC is Lined with 2mm Mylar, everything is wired up right. I have a Big ass 2700K Light for Flowering which i think will flower them, a 26 WATT 6500k CFL for vegging, and a 15watt CFL for vegging. Right now there is only one light fixture in it, but i plan on putting another in tomorrow, But Should i? When i Veg Will a 26watt and 15watt Work good? Or should i just do a 26watt (kinda low in my opinion but i dont grow indoors). I never grow bag seed i get all my seeds fromwww.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com too Which strain would be best? Im thinking an AutoFlowering Lowryder, Right Now i have Skunk Haze, Hawaiian Skunk , Kiwiskunk, Purple Widow Seeds, Which one of these strains would grow best in here? Or should i just buy an autoflowering freak seed?

There are some Picture of the current set up so far...
What Kind of soil is best for indoors?
Should i Do Scrog or LST Or just let it grow natural?
I also accidently threw out the PC side cabnit, what should i makeone with? Unless someone on here has on they want to sell?

Anything helps

Thanks Smoke In Peace
Hey man I'm doing a pc grow now but on a slightly smaller level. Anyways, I'll try to answer a few questions. As for strain, definately stick with a pure Indy or indy Dom mix otherwise height will be a major issue. I'd also recomend stating away from hazes because of the long flowering time. As far as lighting, try to figure out your lumens per square foot(# lumens/usable grow space). You want at least 2500-3000. And soil wise, I go organic but because of the small pot the plant will be in, use at least a quarter perlite or something comprable to avoid over/underwatering and provide the roots with lots of oxygen. Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
im doing a pc grow also but i only use the box for vegging then move the plant to a bigger room, if youre going to go the whole way in there then i suggest only about 1-2 weeks of vegging then go straight into flowering, do not use autoflower because they will grow too big use a photoperiod so you can control when it starts flowering, hope this helps ;) check out my set ups


Yo! Its good to know you have experience gorwing outdoor and you would like to start small indoor. With the number of hits and only a few replies, I feel comfortable with submitting some of my suggestions. I will be replying with mulitiple entries because of me always taking too long to type and timing out (com'on RIU engineers). I'd agree that you have had some good advice and you should take them into consideration. I also agree that you should go with the photo-period girls becasue fot eh auto-flowering tendencies to get much bigger (some phenos) than than your gorw case permits. Remember that you can control the amount of veg'ing that a photo-period plant does and not on a lowryder pheno. TO BE CONTINUED
First of all sorry for the typo's. Now, Think about the ability of modifying the grow box to where you could create a portion/all of the soil reservoir outside the case and make it air/light tight. This would allow you to have more room for the unknown stretch and growth during the flower stage. Another thing that you could do to maximize yeild is the application of a CO2 system either professional or make-shift. Along with the previous suggestion of making the soil reservior either partially or mostly on the outside of the case, this would afford you room to adjust to entire cooperation of the added systems such as air management/CO2 station/lighting; and genreally let you imagine the entire space for plant growth. My take on the idea on the additional fans, I would consider experientation with trying to create an airflow, with a duct system controlling airflow either directly ontop of the plant and/or directly below the light so the tolerances could be tighter in the grow area. This would let you have stronger light for all of its added benefits and let the other fans take care of the fresh environment...To BE CONTINUED
I agree with the suggestion of yours to low stress train AND screen grow. I would suggest trying to train the sprout's long shoot as soon as possible and when you are comfortable (after the added soil up the length of the shoot/number of learned nodes suitable with training) {you know what you are doing}... I have really been impressed with some of the low stress screen grows I have followed on this very site, and you could really get a reasonable amount of smoke for the energy youre putting into it. On some radical ideas, the ability for this stuff to grow under mad stress is totally proven. Actually forcing the main stalk to rest on the very walls/floor of the box to maximize the room for the leaves/flowers. Brother- with a screen and some knowledgable approaches, you could easily get 6-10 grams bone dry from your environment.

Ask away partner!