pc grow box, suggestions anyone?


New Member
thank u africangrower, thats exactly what i needed to know
no problem man. the lumens you have the happier your plants:bigjoint:
I'm actually thinking of buying some 23w as well but I don't think they can fit. do you mind giving me a lenghth estimate of your 23watters. it would be a big help rather than trial and error. thanks:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Gotta say man awesome job you will need more light though, I have been thinking about doing a PC grow myself though I got some really wacky ideas for grow boxes (from two giant pots with hinges between to those round stainless steel bins) the appeal of a PC growbox would be good though as I have 3 PCs and a 360 and my room looking like a PC/wire junkyard no one would ever question a extra box lol, what kind of strain are you using? when I came to the idea of small grow boxes like PC cases I was thinking of lowryder.
right now im just using 2 15 watt cfls cuz i just planted the sproutlings about 5-6 hours ago. im gonna switch to the 2 26 watt cfls i have as soon as they pop up out of the soil. i can put 3 bulbs in my box but with 3 bulbs the temp gets up to around 87-88 degrees and thats no good for growing. with just the 2 26 watt bulbs my temp is right around 83 degrees im pretty sure. im not sure if i answered your question africangrower but if i didnt just let me know and ill get back to u and tell u whatever u need to know
oh yeah and it turns out that both of my fans were already facing outward, making then both exhaust fans so i didnt even have to change anything. it seems to be working....
yeah u def. want to stick with an indica dominant strain for a pc box, look for plant height and any strains that r indica dominant and have a "short" plant height description r very ideal for pc boxes. personally im using some very nice looking seeds i picked out of some good buds i smoked a couple days ago, i picked them out of the bud and started to germinate them right away because of how mature the seeds were. the buds were bright green with orange and white hairs all over them and tons of thricomes
oh yeah, any ryder strain should be just fine just as long as its indica dominant but im pretty sure most ryder strains r mostly indica


New Member
yea. just wanted to know the length of your 26w bulbs to see if i can fit them in my pc, instead of buying one and it not fitting inside. thanks
sorry, id have to say about 3 inches after its screwed into the socket. it should fit, there just as long as the 15 watt bulbs but wider
thank u. no not yes, i just planted my sproutlings this afternoon so i dont need to do that til flowering. i actually modified the one fan, i moved in to the side that is removable where a vent use to be and covered up the vent where the fan was mounted before. it seems to get way better airflow now and keeps the temp a couple degrees lower :) im posting a picture in a minute... i just got done
i actually just took out the metal tins though, i thought they would work but the metal was conducting too much heat and made the box shot up to 90 degrees

KiLLeR RiP 420

Active Member
Why would you guys even grow in a pc? If its to cover it from the dea one of the first places they check is stuff on your computer. Just for a heads up
yeah and some of us have to keep there grows a secret so no one fucks with there shit and how the hell is the dea even gonna know what im doing or any of us.oh and if u didnt notice, theres plenty on people on here who r growing beautiful dank plants in pc boxes.... go look at pasttimes and v12xjs pictures and tell me ur not impressed
no problem man.... im using 2 26 watt cfls right now and it seems to be workin pretty good, its at 83-84 degrees and as u can see i have the bulbs maybe an inch or less away from the soil :)


Well-Known Member
lol i dont think the fucken dea will to go your house for 2 or 3 plants taht you have in your pc..and how will they find out unless your telling all your friends and there snitches