Pc grow - 125w cfl - auto blueberry


Active Member
Posted this same topic in the Grow Journals section..wasnt getting much feedback so decided to post and update here instead.


I don't have the exact dimensions of the case, it is roughly ~21in. height x ~24in. width x ~6in. depth. I have one exhaust fan and plenty of open holes for passive intake. Temps hopefully won't be a problem, the surrounding area isn't very hot at all. It's also pretty light proof for the most part, except on the exhast fan but the lights go off at like 11:30 pm until about 5 am...so light leaks during the dark period wont really happen.

Seeds: Lowlife's Auto Blueberry - ordered from Sensible Seeds

Soil: Miracle gro Potting Mix

Lights: 1x 125 Watt CFL (I have both 6500k and 2700k that I will switch when needed)

Nutrients: Miracle gro Bloom Booster 15-30-15 (Will be used very, very lightly about 3.5 weeks in.)

pH: General Hydroponics pH Control Kit (Liquid Drops)

Light Schedule: 19/5

Let me just say I fully understand that Miracle gro is not the best choice but it is all that's available to me right now so don't recommend to me fox farms or advanced nutrients, I know they're the best to use. Soil is soil and I figure that if i take care of them properly i should have no nut burn problems Before I put the seed in the soil, I'm going to flush it quite a bit so the plant wont burn. When putting in the soil, I tried to get as many of the little nutrient sacks out as I could.

Here are pics. Day 1. (1/19/11)

1.) Case with the lights on. The reason some of it is aluminum reflective tape and part white paper is because i ran out in the middle of building it and was too lazy to get more :eyesmoke: cut me some stoner slack haha.

2.) Pc fan - exhast. not sure how strong it is, kind of loud but not too loud.

3.) Case with light off.

4.) First pot with one seed - if you look hard in the middle you can see its popping up..I saved it! thats the one that dried out pretty bad but its making a nice recovery.

5.) The case with everything in and set up.

any comments suggestions...

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 5.jpg


Active Member
thanks guys.

Day 3

checked em today..decided to start a new seed in the clay pot because of the incident a couple days ago, was gonna be stunted pretty bad so it wasnt worth it. if worse comes to worse ill just transplant the yellow cup plant into the clay pot.



Active Member
Sweet, another pc grower.

I'm growing some AK-48 in a pc as well, but I love seeing all the different strains people have. Good luck, brothah


Active Member
Update - Day 5

Lookin good so far, new leaves comin in nicely. watered it today..i try and water every other day because the soil dries out pretty fast. 2nd seed didnt pop yet, hopefully will in a day or two. Sorry for the bluriness i was in a rush.\\

edit: just to clarify i'm counting the days from the day i put the seed in the soil, not from when it sprouted above the soil..so if it looks a bit small for the day number thats why. (assuming it doesnt get stunted in the future, knock on wood :eyesmoke: )



Active Member
So i just noticed that the timer i was currently using wasnt working...so its been on 24 hr light for the past 5 days. just bought a new timer and plugged it in. hopefully it wont cause any problems in the future since its still young..24 hr light isnt bad for the first week or so correct?


Active Member
Day 6

Just hooked up the new timer, so my babies will get their first hours of darkness in a couple hours

Pics below, you can see some new leaves comin in. hopefully growth will pick up a little now that they will have some dark time.

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Active Member
Day 8

I finally got a seed to sprout in the clay pot, so now i got 2 plants going. not much to say really, i just watered them both. the new timer is thankfully working so i guess all we gotta do is sit back and let em do their thing..

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Active Member
Day 9

Same old stuff, both are getting bigger by the day. The newbie in the clay pot just sprouted yesterday. Gave em some pH adjusted tap water that sit out over night. I always test to see if the soil is dry about 1 - 1.5 inches down before i water, also i read that this strain hates when its medium is dried out so i try to water every other day at least.

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Well-Known Member
Nice seedlings so far.......let'em go a few days between waterings and let the rooots seek, seek, seek....


Active Member
lookin good man

hey man i'm sub'd. doing a very similar grow soon. is that a 125w actual cfl or 125w equivalent?
125w actual..that one is 6500k for the short veg period and the other i have for flower is 2700k

Nice seedlings so far.......let'em go a few days between waterings and let the rooots seek, seek, seek....
yeah i never water 2 days in a row..i always check to make sure the soil is pretty dry about 1.5 inches down before i water.

Day 14

been pretty busy lately with work and school..and especially that first strike map pack lol :mrgreen:

checked on my babies today and game them a much needed watering..this wouldve been the 3rd day without water. Pics:

photo (17).jpgphoto (19).jpgphoto (18).jpgphoto (20).jpg


Well-Known Member
i am subbed, they look nice :D

A couple thoughts for the small PC grow, rectangular pots like the bottom of 2 quart juice containers. They hold ~1.5 quarts and fit good in a case. Only other suggestion is to start them in the pot you plan to finish them in. I dont know if your gonna transplant the party cup or not, but you will be just as well to start it in the pot you plan to finsih


Active Member
i am subbed, they look nice :D

A couple thoughts for the small PC grow, rectangular pots like the bottom of 2 quart juice containers. They hold ~1.5 quarts and fit good in a case. Only other suggestion is to start them in the pot you plan to finish them in. I dont know if your gonna transplant the party cup or not, but you will be just as well to start it in the pot you plan to finsih
thanks! I have a little blue plastic container that fits perfectly but i wanted to see how well 2 plants at once could do in there...but for my next attempt i might just get one seed started in that blue container. i'm probably going to try and find another one of those clay pots and transplant the yellow cup because the root is starting to come out one of the draining holes :-?


Active Member
Day 17

Took these pics last night...hate to say but i suspect we have a male among us :? I tried to get as close a pic as i could without it being to blurry..it looks almost exactly like this pic from another thread:

here are my pics so if anyone could confirm that'd be nice so i know for sure. Day 9 for the clay pot.

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