PC fans for filtering air w/o temp as a concern


So I have my PC grow, just gutted the thing, decided upon panda film to make it light tight, and a soil grow as this is my first time growing indoors. I plan on eventually trying my hand at hydro, but for now soil.

So here is my question: I live with my parents, but figured I could hide a PC grow in my PC room off of my bedroom. However, they still do come in this room from time to time as it the only way to access the attic.

Inb4 living with your parents:
They pay for my college, if I move out, they say they'll stop. I can't turn down an offer like that, so moving on.

Because I'm using LEDs and this is in an air-conditioned house, and to be honest, my PC room only has 2 other functional PCs
(I gutted two old ones from 2001 and 2002 to take parts of their motherboard and the cover for it, which I will attach to my pc grow box, along with the power supply, which I'm hooking up to a 6 outlet power strip to simply plug in my led and my fans from inside the pc case).

So I have pc fans galore, but none of them are up to the job.
I've considered a silverstone pc fan as boasts 110 cfm for realsies, but am also looking at other 200+ "claimed" cfm pc fans.

So here's down to the nitty gritty. If I make an elbow from the filter to the fan, (to make the filter stand vertically inside of my grow space, to not get in the way of my lights), and I make one of those DIY chicken wire multilayer carbon scrubbers, will a PC fan be able to push enough air to properly clean the air from 1-2 plants? Also, what size filter to ensure I don't overburden the thing. I've heard the larger the filter, the less the fan actually has to work, and to aim for roughly 1 inch or so of thickness of activated carbon.

So in summary:

Temperature is NOT an issue, due to LEDs and air-conditioned house, but the odor is!

Can I attach an elbow from a vertical filter to a horizontal fan and still have it function?

Can a top of the line (110, or 200+ cfm) PC fan reliably push the air to make this work, if not is there something of roughly the same size that will?

What size DIY filter can I make to ensure this works properly?

Note: I also plan on putting in an ONA, and 2 room air purifiers next to this to "clean the dust because my gaming rig is just so important".


Well-Known Member
If you will get kicked out for doing this, is it worth it?

I grew in my closet when i was 14, but my mom was a hippie who smoked bud. In fact, she would come into by room while me and my buddies were taking bong rips and say "why don't you just smoke joints like everyone else"

As far as advice for your little micro grow, i dunno, sorry


Well-Known Member
To tell you the truth, You might have trouble moving the air through the filter with just pc fans. I grew in a PC once with CFL's. Only option I can think of is Strategically placing trays of ONA gel through out your room. And still that may not be enough. Good Luck man!


I'm in my last year of schooling, so this would not be pleasant to be kicked out now. That being said, I'd like my entire set up absolutely perfect before starting any grow. I'm confident that if the odor was under control. one more computer in a room with computers won't be suspicious at all, especially if all of them are running at once. As far as making it light tight, it needs to be somewhat light tight, but if there is some leakage, I won't be concerned. My main gaming computer has crazy LEDs on the fans and power supply, with a large viewing window to see the small light show going on inside. When the adjustable fans on that is turned up all the way, the cacophony of fans, I'm sure, won't raise an eyebrow.

However, the smell will. My parents know I do keep some old smoking equipment in this room, and for a while, it had a small odor. This can provide me with a slight cover, but the dank full on flowering odor is something I couldn't explain away.

That being said, here is my proposed setup, complete with the DIY can style filter, I'm thinking 4 or 5 inches with aquarium bought (and rinsed by myself) activated charcoal.

I feel the large surface area of the filter will ease the work done by the fan.
This is the silverstone fan at 2400 rpm and 110 cfm.
(this is double the scythe or the nocturna)


Of course, this little baby pulls a screaming 4300 rpm and ~200 cfm, and uses 2 amps. Not milliamps, 2 amps. I figured for $20, this might be something to look into.

I'm just interested in PC fans for the ease of mounting, but I'm sure I could ultimately secure any fan that is sufficiently small in this space, and mock it up to look like a PC from outside the PC case.

I plan on testing this device before any plants are ever grown in here, by simply putting herb into it when my parents are gone. The room has an odd rubber seal around the door frame, and only one vent which I could block, coupled with room air purifiers and copious ozium, hide the results of my test in the event of a critical failure.

Here is my proposed setup, with the fan against the rear wall of my pc tower, simulating a rear fan.



Well-Known Member
They pay for my college, if I move out, they say they'll stop. I can't turn down an offer like that, so moving on.
Let me put this bluntly: if you are so dumb to risk a place to live + free money for college for a PC grow it's not a big issue if they stop paying and you have to drop out. That's well-meant advice.


Active Member
Get a dremal tool cut out 4 spots for PC fans get a coupple pairs of pantyhose get them over the fans by some what loose so that you can place 2 peices of lumps of BBQ charcoal in front of the fans (charcoal absorbs smell ) replace ever 5 days also one of those air fresheners that go off on a timer wouldn't hurt. Oust or frabreeze to eliminate oder rather then masking it


I ended up buying a phat filter, the 8" x 8" with the 4" hookup.
For personal reasons, this is very much so worth the risk. I don't want to turn this into a woe is me thread, so I'd rather keep this technical instead of personal. I'll experiment with some PC fans I already own on this, and if need be, shell out the $25 for one or the other.