PC Fan with AC/DC Adapter - Quick Question


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I want to know if wiring a 12V AC/DC adapter to a pc fan, that has a rated voltage of 12V but an operational voltage of 10.2-13.8V, would have any repercussions ?

Thanks guys
yah man. it will work fine. thats what i do... even a 5v 2A ac/dc converter will work and run multiple fans. i use my old blue tooth headset chargers and cut them apart and wire them up. just test it out by touching and taping the leads together. you just want to make sure you have enough current bro.


Well-Known Member
Those things are weak in my opinion, unless your grow box set up is small. Sure they work fine because they're quiet but the draw isn't very good considering how much heat you build up.


Well-Known Member
I am doing this at the moe. As far as powering them goes it will be fine but like Farfenugen says they are weak. They will pull air in and out of my tiny grow chamber fine enough to cool the air but once you put on a homemade carbon filter the pc fan will not be powerful enough to pull air through the filter. I am hoping that adding another fan to push air through while the other one pulls(inline) will sort this problem out. But i do wish i had installed a bathroom extractor to start with then i wouldnt have to be messing around now, a cheap bathroom extractor is the same price as a pc fan and also should wire straight to a mains plug so no hassle with transformers.
Anyway goodluck on whatever you end up doing.


Well-Known Member
Oh just one more thing, my transformer has a switch on it so you can use it at 12v, 9v, 6v, 4.5v and 3v, the fan is a 12volt but works fine on 12v,9v, or 6v. it will be slower the less power but it works. If you had a volt or 2 over what it needs then it will just spin faster and have a slighlty shorter life span.