PC case stealth grow (not complete)


Well-Known Member
today i have decided to do a stealth grow in a spare pc case i have - i have a blueprint and have allready started on it,
Things still needed :
Fans (ordered hopefully coming tomorrow)
lights (going to B&Q tommorow)
Putting the plant in next week

here are some pics and the blueprint
Tell me what you think



Well-Known Member
hey, i started my grow in a pc! i think i would change the fan setup a bit, i would put the outtake on the top of the case if possible where all the hot air is and bring the cool air in through the bottom and what type of light are you thinking about going for? looks good though! oh and i would DEFIANTLY go ScrOG because when you flower her room with get verry limited very fast, as i am currently struggling with space in a 2ft stealth speaker! good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i will do scrog
well i am really short on money so i am going for 1 100w CFL.
hopefully that will be enough


Well-Known Member
okay i was wondering would 2 20w cfl bulbs which = 100w per bulb be okay for just one plant under a scrog which has also been low stress trained??


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of saving some money and using the bulbs i just described through the vegging stage but when i want it to flower use 1 or 2 250 watt red cfls
what do you think?? will the current bulbs get it through the vegging stage?
will the 250 watt bulbs increse bud yeild??


Well-Known Member
it will be 3 weeks till i get the cash together to buy a Blue or Red 250w cfl, i just want know if 2 20w cfl's will keep my plants alive till then?
my plants are just over a week old


Well-Known Member
oh, fer sure lol i mean you can grow a whole plant with only two lights and if you scrog it it will make the canopy more even for it to soak in all that light:D


so what happens when your plant gets to about 8-10 inches tall and u gotta move it?? thats kinda the dilema im having right now, im growing out of my nightstand next to my bed (stealth). im at almost 2 weeks and one they get to about a foot tall, im gonna have to move them : / but idk where lol


Well-Known Member
im not sure to be honest but i will do a lot of low stress training and i will top it and use the scrog method soo hopefully that will be enough , just did abit of work on the case ill post some pics in a sec
yea that will work. b4 i got my lights i used 2 19w 55k lights and my plant seemd to love it. also you are going to want to use some kind of device to lower and higher your lights. you want to keep your lights 1 to 2 inches away from ur plant for using low watt cfls. high watt i would do 2 to 3 inches. you can also just put books under ur pot for ur plant to be nice and close to ur "sun"


Well-Known Member
New Pics:


i have put another dvd under since the pic was taken - it is about 1 inch away from each plant do you think this will be enough - these plants had stretching issues so i repotted them, do you think the light is close enough to prevent them stretching,