Hey ER. Good to see you m8. If you still have no cam then do a painting for us

I think we're all gagging to see what you've been up to!
The plan for me was to move to more plants of smaller stature but I think the genetics I currently have are just a bit to big and bold so I may have to drop back to the original plan and sort out a more suitable strain.
I always fancied Nefertiti for it's single cola growth pattern so maybe I'll get some of those for my next experiment.
Did you ever try the moss cloning trick?
Hey CV. Wish I had the space to fool all you guys with a 4x case

As soon as I get Terra out of there the place will have a mountain of room! I nicknamed her Bigfoot after the repot
The best mix I've had so far is the mix Hempy went into after I renamed her to HempyGoneWrong. She looks like she will be ok in the 1.1 litre container and the blue light seems to be keeping her from yellowing off. She has 3 or 4 weeks to go but all is looking well so far.
The mix is 40% soil, 30% perlite and 30% moss. Half of the moss is cut into small bits and the rest left as long strands.
With hardly any nutes in the mix she went onto 100ppm veg pretty soon and that was upped to 250 when the first yellowing appeared at the bottom. I alternated veg and bloom nutes while she was preflowering and I've worked up to 500ppm of bloom now but every 3rd watering is a 100ppm veg feed as a kind of tonic. She will get 750ppm bloom nutes for the last week before her flush and I ph everything to 6.4.
Even with all the soil/perlite/moss/roots, she takes 400ml of food every time. Usually she needs a top up every 3 days but while she was in the growth spurt it was every 2nd day. The soil always feels moist even right on the top layer, but after 3 days the pot feels light as a feather so I know it's time to top up.
Just a tip for when you have multiple plants at different stages. I mix my food up at 2 or 3 times max strength and water it down in a measuring jug. 4 water to 1 food = 500 ppm so I can use that for the big girls. Water what's left down 50/50 gives me 250ppm for the smaller girls and dilute what's left 50/50 again for the toddlers. Makes things sooo much easier than individual bottles for each plant.