Greets ElephantRider
Good to hear you found some inspiration. Sorry there's nothing on clones here but those CH9 seeds I've started up are only £3 each for Jack Herrer genes, so it seems cheaper to start a new seed than to run a whole box for a mom & babies. I start a seed every 3 weeks so a 2nd case with a mom would need to be under £1 a week to run in order to compete. I'm having a hell of a time trying to get a job at the moment so these things need to be considered. This was what lead me to try auto's under 12/12 and that got me into trying non auto strains, so I guess unemployment is good for the creative thinking it brought about. Can't think of any other advantages though

I think a good sog setup in a 2nd box would reap big rewards however so I'm keen to see what you do.
My environment has just changed with the new fan and humidity has gone up from high 30's to around 45% with the lights on, and 72% during the dark period. Temps are high 70's and low 80's. I never mist in there due to the electrics. Sometimes I take all the girls for a shower with me but privacy is not good where I am so this isn't often.
Your temps are ok just now, but I think you're right to hang fire on replacing the bulb. The summer is coming and temps will rise considerably for everyone, so you should try to address any heat issues now while it's cool enough to make mistakes without losing crops. My view is a lack of light will reduce harvests but too much heat will destroy the whole crop so it's a lesser of 2 evils.
Taking temps of the environment inside and outside is important. My rig runs about 10F above ambient when ambient is 70F, but a 2F rise in ambient means a 5F rise inside. Try to plot this change and consider changing the environment your case is in as well as what is going on inside. Having lots of free space around the exhaust helps a lot in this regard.
Really appreciate the tip on the hardware and OS. I love the whole community thing going on with Linux but there's another contender I'd love to have a crack with, have you come across ReactOS? It still isn't quite ready but the concept is amazing and it's an open source project too. The windows interface would allow the use of stuff like a webcam, usb microscope for trichome observations and fan / temp control without having to develop drivers and software, so it may be an easier option for me at least.
Good luck with everything and link me when you start posting your results.