Amps are important. If you use 1 x 35w bulb in a 12v setup then you need 3 amps. With both bulbs in it's 6 amp.what does R & D mean? I know thats prolly a dumb question.
you think thats what the problem could be? actualy sounds right. gotta look for another adapter to cut =x One with more juice. Destruction is the path to happy plants =]
I have just finished reading your entire thread, and infact, you did answer my question, thank you very much.
I am new to the using a forum. Any forum. I read the first page and did not realize there were more to the thread. I know, where have I been! Point being, my question showed up 45 pages past the point I was asking about. (Just wanted to explain) I also would like to say thank you for the inspiration..... You have done an excellent job with what you have to work with... Since I began reading your story my mind has been racing... Just trying to think of some household item that I could use as a limmiting factor. One in which I could begin a romance such as the one I was reading about....
That little box will teach you a lot about life... Thanks for taking the time to share, there is nothing more expensive than ignorance.... and you have saved me a fortune....
hey dope thanx for the info...hey florida those containers you can get from walmart people use them for putting try pasts in and cereal all sorts of shit. some even grow dope in it...
ill have to agree with ele you are the pc grow god.Your plants rock, man. Holy hell, you're good at this!