PBF Factory- NL, Hollands Hope, Strawberry Cough hybrid +


Well-Known Member
Damn! I check ur link, a few days short! 5 days??? Whoa! Well u still got some good nugz!
Ya, even though it was a little early I still got some nice smell buds. This was also my largest yeild indoors and I'm very happy with it. My next harvest will be twice as large. Thanks for poppin in! :-P

Nice harvest PBF :-) So you're changing to HPS?
Thanks MS ! Ya, with the amount of space I'm working with I think it would only be the right thing to do. Faster and Larger yield always puts a smile on my face. :bigjoint:

Will be posting my outdoor grow in here as well since this is My Grow Journal and like to have everything in here. I do have a seperate thread for this though if you wanna check her out. https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/313063-2010-outdoor-grow-sc-nl.html


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, It means a lot to me coming from such a SICC Mo fucka as your self! All the sudden I feel as though I need to step my game up just a little:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you gotta keep the ladies in line man
Tie her up, talk dirty to her, what ever it takes ;)

haha the LST looks good :D


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4106978]you gotta keep the ladies in line man
Tie her up, talk dirty to her, what ever it takes ;)
haha the LST looks good :D[/QUOTE]

Owe I deff let 'the girls' know my pimp hand strong! lol


Well-Known Member
So we got roots on most of the NL cuttings. Not enough roots to plant though. Trying to get the pic's uploaded now...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks rmoreno! Ended up with just under 21 grams of smelly sticky goodness.:weed: As I let it sit in the jar It smells and tastes better everyday:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Update. So I officially have a virus on my comp so wont be posting any pic's. I have been taking pic's though so will have a lot when my computer's fixed, including some pics of how i made leaf into gold for the first time.:-P

Well, all 20 NL clones took root except like 2, most of them are ready to be planted. Gave 4 to a close friend. One of my pumps died and the SC didn't make it...they will be replaced today or tom as well as some NL being placed in soil. BGS1 & BGS2 are doing good. As well as the HH, SC, & NL mother's. The three BGS3 are just about ready to be sexed. Will prob being sexing these babes within a week.

Pics ASAP!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, sorry to hear about the virus, get off the porn sites!! :razz:

lol im jus playin, cant wait for the pics once everything gets fixed up.


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone keep telling me that lol, I'm almost positive it's from Limewire. It's pretty bad. Started with all my music being gone...too my speakers not working so i cant even listen to shit lol , then my fucking pictures. It didn't so much erase everything, kinda just cut the connection to it. Fucking piss's me off, I guess it could be worse though. Should be fixed soon.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ya a few friends were telling me to get rid of that Limewire and go with utorrent but at the time everything was fine so what did I care lol.

Planted a few more NL clones. So we got.

-5NL clones in soil. 4 in cups 1 in 3 gal bag(more to come)
-2SC clones in soil. both in cups(more to come)
-3 BGS3 un-sexed. Will being sexing with in a week
-1 BGS2fem LST'd in 2-3 gal bag
-1 BGS1 topped, and the top that was cut was cloned and planted in soil today.
-The three Mothers. Strawberry Cough, Northern Lights, and Hollands Hope

Also will be taking some HH, SC and maybe even a few NL cuttings since they do so well, for the bubble cloner. Everything is really more geared to outdoors at the moment rather than in. But I have been thinking about flowering the NL mother indoors and just making a new mother. We will see.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh damn, i didn't kno you have SC going.
LOL i guess i gotta read thread names more often
Thats one of my all time favs, next to Bubba Kush or course ;) bongsmilie
I usually just look at the thread makers name :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ya I got some SC. It's Actually a cross between the SC and the NL. The story goes that my buddy had a room flowering all seedling no clones. He got rid of all the males. He had about 4 strains growing buds when one day he noticed small opened male flowers on his female plant in which he determined it to be a hermie of course. But it was already to late. The other strains were FUCKED literally lol. So I got some seeds out of the NL bud and they were all female. Pretty sure there feminized cause all his were female as well. BGS2 is from the same guy. Hoping that's some Master Kush!!! Not gona lie I have yet to try the Bubba Kush , maybe we need to trade some seeds:-P


Well-Known Member
Oh ok, thats crazy they all came out female.
Bubba Kush is really good, I do got a couple beans, but they are Bubba KushxMedical Bagseed.
And some other crosses.


Well-Known Member
We really need to start a Strain Collecting group. Kinda Keep it secret though lol. Why not ya know? I would love that strain you got and in trade you can have some of mine. This should all be done over PM though so no one be posting there address's on my thread lmao. I'm actually talking to a guy in Cali about doing some trading. We will see how this works, then I'll hit you up with a PM if your down.:leaf:


Active Member
Great avatar PBF :-)

Sounds a good idea to trade strains, as you know I got the Snow White thanks to the kindness of another member here and I'll do the same for him one day when I have something special again. I guess its down to trust and reputation :-) unfortunately I'm the wrong side of the 'pond' otherwise I'd love to join your little collective :-) I love to see this sharing and giving between growers, it creates a special bond of trust and friendship.