Payment Methods


Hi all. I'm about to place my first order with Attitude and was wondering about the best payment method.

I've read that you should use International Money Order... others say not to worry and just use your ccd. I can't seem to find international pre paid gift cards. They all seem limited to the USA only right now.

I'm in the USA by the way.

What say you?


Well-Known Member
In the USA and I have always used a Credit Card .. I use my girl friends credit card. You will be safe with your own credit card , and one recommendation if I may, order the "guaranteed stealth shipping " the t-shirt or coffee mug.. The T-shirts are pretty cool by the way. They put the seeds in the t-shirt and they go through customs easy..


Well-Known Member
credit card or an internationally accepted reloadble debit card, harder and harder to find the latter but i do believe netspend works.
credit card is great, i asked them over the phone before giving them my cc if it would be kept in a safe place and they dont keep the billiing information on perm file anyway. shows up on ur statement as "gift shop" or something very similar


Well-Known Member
i used visa prepaid gift cards that i got from my local bank the first couple times i ordered..but i got lazy and used my credit card once and monitored the activity for a while after since ive read horror stories of weird charges on credit cards after ordering from attitude and ive never had a problem. ive ordered with my credit card around 10 times now with no problems.


Thank god someone threaded this, I was gonna ask the same question. I can't seem to find reloadable debit cards that work overseas anywhere!!


Active Member
In US, ordered with my credit card and had them put it in a t-shirt and life is good. I believe I use a Gold Dot card to make my purchases.


Thank you all. Credit card seems fine. I will monitor carefully after ordering.
I plan to do the tee shirt thing.


Thank you all. Credit card seems fine. I will monitor carefully after ordering.
I plan to do the tee shirt thing.
Hey, I hear good things about the mug to. I haven't tried it but someone told me how they do it and it and im just gonna say it's 100% garuantee you'll get your beans!!