[Paying] I need a step by step guide [SHROOMS]

Get it from a local horticulturist/grow shop. They're usually good people to be friendly with anyways
Thanks guys. So as the recipe said. Horse manure, verm, and gypsum. Add correct messurments. add boiling water. Let sit in bucket over night, stir, put in diffrent bin. Let grow till ready in said days. Thats it??
was looking through and looks like some stuff is not quite right in that second one the docs wbs one is good so far though

edit: except that cotton ball looking thing I dont know what that is, have you seen the lets grow mushroom videos that Roadkill and RR made?? look up lets grow mushrooms on youtube or on a torrent site there some what informative and those guys are pros

2nd edit: this is a bag method not jars but this method is flawless from what I can tell unlike the previouse two I posted everything seems uptodate maybe someone else can post you a jar method thats correct sorry the first two i posted might have giving you some wrong info, like i never use pollyfil, coffee filters are kinda useless to, I use 4 injection holes at least two not one big one, also dont put your jars in on there side like in that one tek also foil over the lids is a good thing also keeps water from dripping into your jars and helps keep contams back a bit
Doing the WBS is pretty easy.
Put WBS in large dish.
Boil kettle and cover the WBS with the boiled water, it will swell so add a bit extra water.
Let it stand for one hour.
Pour off water and dump WBS on a large towel or something to absorb the drips.
Spread it around and let the outside shells dry off for an hour or so.
Now fill your jars and presure cook for 90 minutes.
Let jars cool, innoculate.

You can get all other info you need following this thread formed as someone was doing the above bulk tek.
oh yah, gypsum plaster of paris is interchangeable... I get mine from the pharmacy, the nursery stuff tends to have additives.
Verm is fine from nurseries.
i read that plaster of paris shouldnt be used, has it worked for you?

you can go to lowes or home depot and take the dry wall spacers for free
break em up into a fine powder, wa la!
Plaster of paris is cleaner .... you can use that stuff for
medical casts ... so it is good for mush.

i use paris for that reason alone.
my bad, for not following the whole thread, I was looking into growing some magic mushrooms but don't have the facilities to do this. Seemed liked the PK Tek is a good start.