Pax Vaporizer Review


Well-Known Member
I ordered the Pax hand held portable vape by Ploom last week, and figured I'd post a review.

First, I ordered the device from VapeWorld:

There's a basic youtube video at the bottom of the link that basically shows you everything you need to know.

Form: The Pax scores high on form. It heats within 30 seconds and a 1-hour charge is good for 2-hrs of vaping. Best of all, it's extremely stealth... which all sound great, but...

Function: The problem is that the piece of shit doesn't really function all that well. You really have to suck hard to draw any air thru the device. The mouth piece also gets extremely hot (It literally burnt my and my friends lips). Furthermore the bowl (or place where you put the herb) is on the bottom of the unit. All the good competitors (NO2 & Arizer, even the Volcano) have heat exchangers that pre-heat the air before entering the bowl (herb holding chamber). The result is that the Pax tends to burn some of the herb, while other portions don't even get heated. Ultimately your breath is going to smell like you just toked... which is a real downside!

To say the least, I was quite unhappy with the Pax unit. I called Vapeworld, and they were more than happy to accept it's return. The sales person was quite helpful and recommended the Arizer Solo. I've got this on order and I'll keep you posted. I have also tried the NO2, and as a portable vape, it wins the Pax hands down. I'll let you know how the Arizer compares to the NO2 next week.

I have had my PAX for a little over a month now and will say that my experience has been totally opposite. I have never experienced any burned lips or weed. When loaded correctly (about .3 grams) a gentle draw will fill your lungs with thick rich vapor.I use at least 4 loads per day and this thing works great. I did a great deal of research before buying and was not deterred by all the negativity surrounding it. The more research i did the more i was convinced that most of the negativity stemmed from user error. You need a good grinder as well as decent weed. You also need to take long slow draws. You also need to keep it clean. All in all with a little maintenance and skill this is by far the best portable out there.


Well-Known Member
I have a pax and have none of those problems. The only time it got warm is when you don't load the OVEN with enough herb. The instructions even tell you this. You have to make sure it's packed evenly. Also turn down the temp if it's getting to hot. There are 3 different temp settings.

Oh and what other vape can you shake and it will tell you temp and your battery life and you can pop the mouth piece in and out. Complete stealth. Looks like an ipod. I've had mine for 5, almost 6 months and have had no problems. I give them A+ in my book.

Before you return it try a few of the things I suggested ;)


Well-Known Member
My Pax works great. I wasn't used to the restricted draw at first but you get used to it. I have a 3 yr. old vapor brothers and wanted something portable for outdoors.

If you want stealth the Pax is what I recommend. Still expensive $250, I got mine used on craig's list for $150. First thing I did was order the mouth piece lubricant from Ploom and extra screens.

Everything I have read about Pax was positive. The only negatives were from users that did not clean or use the unit as recommended.

Here is 354 pages of Pax related threads if you want to learn more...
