Paul Ryan Talks Medical Marijuana Legalization: ‘Let the States Decide’


Well-Known Member
1,300 is nothing..your first 6 zips covers that...I know for a fact people would buy local top shelf organic green over commercialized phillip morris plantations ...the market is so big there is enough to go around.


Well-Known Member
as long as you are for legalization for everyone over 18 to grow and possess
I'm ok with it
Medical marijuana is a joke


New Member
don't really care about semantics, its really simple, police shouldn't be able to arrest/search people because of drugs and imprison them, its just an excuse to bully people.


Well-Known Member
don't really care about semantics, its really simple, police shouldn't be able to arrest/search people because of drugs and imprison them, its just an excuse to bully people.
Correction, it's just an excuse to control people.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
as long as you are for legalization for everyone over 18 to grow and possess
I'm ok with it
Medical marijuana is a joke
Medical marijuana isn't a joke. Without it I probably would've beat the ever living shit out if someone and be in jail right now.

Doctors should be able to prescribe it, not recommend, and insurance companies pay for it.

Fuck all you losers who do it to just get high. You should all get taxed up the ass like tobacco and alcohol addicts. Then at least you're paying for yourself to get on welfare. Isn't that what all you pinko liberals want, to share?


Active Member
One point I would like to bring to light is:

I would hope that Romney/Ryan would be intelligent enough to go pro-mmj or at least back off. It would increase their popularity with a huge population of voters/people that would otherwise tell them to piss off. If they are dumb enough to increase the haters and nonvoters of their party due to anit-mmj, they deserve to lose those votes, and possibly the election. It would be asinine to put work into dismantling a system that is already successfully in place. There are bigger issues to deal with.


Well-Known Member
Medical marijuana isn't a joke. Without it I probably would've beat the ever living shit out if someone and be in jail right now.

Doctors should be able to prescribe it, not recommend, and insurance companies pay for it.

Fuck all you losers who do it to just get high. You should all get taxed up the ass like tobacco and alcohol addicts. Then at least you're paying for yourself to get on welfare. Isn't that what all you pinko liberals want, to share?
man dont make me microwave my balls to get a script

Chief Widow

I agree that most issues should be solved by the states that's how the country was set up in the first place. I'm personally against medical marijuana it just needs to be decriminalized everybody needs to stop the fight for medical or that's the only thing your going to get is medical and I don't believe that it should be like that the everyday man should be able to use for fun or any other reason you may have. Also decriminalizing would get all the innocent people sitting in prison for having this sacred plant.

So please let's stop the medical marijuana an start fighting for real issue decriminalization.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You all are aware that he did the Romney Shuffle later and spoke out against any type of legalization including medical, right? Just 18 hours later.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You all are aware that he did the Romney Shuffle later and spoke out against any type of legalization including medical, right? Just 18 hours later.
Speaking against your Messiah, say it ain't so.

How I see it, voting Romney or Obama for marijuana issues, is a deluded vote. Even if your only reason is Obama is Black or Romney wears magical underwear like you(at least your boyfriends thought they were magic?) Voting either those two reasons makes more sense.


Well-Known Member
Speaking against your Messiah, say it ain't so.

How I see it, voting Romney or Obama for marijuana issues, is a deluded vote. Even if your only reason is Obama is Black or Romney wears magical underwear like you(at least your boyfriends thought they were magic?) Voting either those two reasons makes more sense.
i could easily make a great justification for voting on one or the other based off the cannabis issue alone.

the GOP has been pushing back hard against obama's holder memo in california, colorado, oregon, and probably elsewhere. imagine what the push back would be like if those DAs and AGs had the president's full blessing instead of a direct order from the president to make cannabis low priority.

gee, i would imagine that we would not have witnessed the immense explosion of dispensaries that we witnessed right after the holder memo.

3+ years and they still haven't touched more than a couple of the several dozen state-illegal dispensaries here in oregon. wonder why?


Well-Known Member
You all are aware that he did the Romney Shuffle later and spoke out against any type of legalization including medical, right? Just 18 hours later.
they will NEVER acknowledge this. romney has been running an artful campaign of speaking to his base one minute and then speaking to the center the next minute. his base will ignore what they don't like. cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Speaking against your Messiah, say it ain't so.

How I see it, voting Romney or Obama for marijuana issues, is a deluded vote. Even if your only reason is Obama is Black or Romney wears magical underwear like you(at least your boyfriends thought they were magic?) Voting either those two reasons makes more sense.
That's the best you can come up with? Magic underwear and white guilt? Seriously?

1. I'm only half white.
2. I don't have temple garments and have never been inside an acting temple
3. Romney is a deluded rich fool who just happens to have the same faith that I do
4. Romney is a liar, a cheat, an elitist prick, completely out of touch with mainstream America and flip flops like a live fish in a frying pan.

O'Bama extended my unemployment so I could keep my house, my car, my insurance, and pay my bills. He extended the Cobra insurance and subsidized my premiums to where I could actually afford it. My taxes are reasonable and my tax returns have been nice. I have new insurance with affordable premiums despite my pre-existing conditions, I have a good paying, decent job that I enjoy. I enjoy a quality of life that I normally wouldn't be able to without medical cannabis and I have O'Bama to thank for that with the Holder memo. I could go on and on but you just ignore it as always and type ridiculous posts like the pile of shit I quoted above.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
That's the best you can come up with? Magic underwear and white guilt? Seriously?

1. I'm only half white.
2. I don't have temple garments and have never been inside an acting temple
3. Romney is a deluded rich fool who just happens to have the same faith that I do
4. Romney is a liar, a cheat, an elitist prick, completely out of touch with mainstream America and flip flops like a live fish in a frying pan.

O'Bama extended my unemployment so I could keep my house, my car, my insurance, and pay my bills. He extended the Cobra insurance and subsidized my premiums to where I could actually afford it. My taxes are reasonable and my tax returns have been nice. I have new insurance with affordable premiums despite my pre-existing conditions, I have a good paying, decent job that I enjoy. I enjoy a quality of life that I normally wouldn't be able to without medical cannabis and I have O'Bama to thank for that with the Holder memo. I could go on and on but you just ignore it as always and type ridiculous posts like the pile of shit I quoted above.
Are you seriously that uptight and don't get mocking playfulness? I think Nodrama is the only one who gets it, and he's an animal hating bastard!

But my marijuana remarks still stand, they both want us in jail. One just denies it, the other gets his advice from talking underwear. All I have to say is those underwear better be giving one hell of a happy ending.