Passive Cooling methods that don't involve home renos


my growbox is getting rather hot i'm noticing after lining it with mylar to stop the light leaks, i have a fan inside my case which helps the temps alot and a few cups of water to increase the rh which also drops the temp a bit.

i was just wondering if you guys had any tips other that running an exhaust pipe out of the box because i don't want to be stuck either leaving the door open or damaging my rental property.

this is a legal grow so i'm not too worried about smell or all that, i was thinking some sort of cooler that the air runs through without leaving the box?

some ideas i had were:
- frozen lunchbag gel cooler thingies
- those little usb minifridges
- swapping out all the warm spectrum lights for leds

please help me cause right now i need more light but i will fry my plants if the box gets hotter, so i guess led light reccomendations etc. will be cool too. :bigjoint:

check out and comment on my grow here!

be the first! i'll appreciate it alot!


Active Member
you could put trays of frozen stuff in front of your fan,or even open box, when light is on ? maybe connect the fan wae ducting to bring in colder air?


Active Member
your box is wee innit ? is there no way to make it bigger? maybe mount the fan right on the side of the box? you know through like air con?


my box is about 6 feet tall and 3.5 feet wide so i guess its pretty small, it's also made of metal which might make a difference. thanks for the replies! i'll post some pics as soon as i get a chance my plants are much bigger now and the box is lined with mylar too!